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January 2024
  • Added Flooding Factor toggle in Tools > Options > Soils Report Options to prevent the IL Bulletin 811 PI's from being affected by those factors.
  • Map Icons representing Soil Features have been added as a layer.
    • Display icons and points for specific features in the soil that are location specific and not constant throughout the entire soil.
    • Enable these icons on your map within the Layers Panel by expanding the Other section and checking "Soil Features"
  • Soil Features are also able to be displayed as a part of the Soil grid within the Soil Map reports.
    • To display this information, either:
      • Turn the Soil Features layer on before generating a soil map
      • After generating a Soil Map, click Soil Options to access the Soil Report Options. From there click on the Soil Features tab and scroll down and check Soil Features at the bottom of the list.
  • Color Infrared imagery available for certain states.
    • Access the color infrared imagery from the Orthophoto drop down within the layers panel.

November 2023
  • Now using the Bulletin 811 data from the EFOTG database.

September 2023
  • Updated Road database
  • Delete option added to image preview of uploaded pictures.
  • Added a "Do not show again for this client." option when rolling borders.
    • This will allow you to select "No" and not have the system automatically prompt to roll borders again.
  • Updated No fields intersect message with hint to potential solution.
  • Select from 3 versions of Satloc Job files when exporting.
    • Select AirStar, Intellitrac, or AirTrac (Bantam/M3) from within the Export page.
  • Transitioned to using the Bulletin 811 data from the EFOTG.

August 2023
  • QR Codes and Hyperlinks can now be added to savable forms.
  • QR Codes can now be clickable on forms.
    • The clickable setting can be set on the QR Code within the Forms Designer.

July 2023
  • QR Codes can now be added to any non-savable maps or forms.
    • The QR code can be customized to link to any website including a link to the map coordinates in Google Maps, a company website or more!
  • Clickable Hyperlinks can be added to any map or form.
    • Add your company website, link to a sale listing or more!

June 2023
  • Updated the Wetlands data to latest May 2023 version.

May 2023
  • Added @selectTownship to the Forms Designer variable list.
    • This identifies the Township name based on the polygon as opposed to the center of the map.

March 2023
  • Added Link to FEMA.gov FIRM map to the FEMA Report
    • When a FEMA Report does not have any data to display, a link will be available to locate the map coordinates within the FEMA.gov website.
    • This will allow a user to still gather the Flood zone information from the older maps that have not been digitized yet.
  • Parcel Layer labels will now show on generated maps when a drawing is used.
    • If the Parcel and Parcel Labels layers are enabled and a drawing is used for the AOI designation instead of a selection "X", then the Parcel labels will now appear on the generated printable map in addition to the drawn boundary and drawn boundary acres.
  • Added "select" variables to the Forms Designer variable list to be used within map and form template designs.
    • "Select" variables will now be integrated into most maps to determine the center of the boundaries instead of the displayed map center coordinates.
  • Changes to drag-selecting on which layer of data is prioritized.
    • On a Surety Pro account that has saved form layers, the drag select will present an option to select the "Top Layer" along with the FSA borders, Parcel data, and Borders layers.
      • The Top Layer is referring to the topmost custom layer in the layer list. These layers can be dragged up and down in the layer list.

February 2023
  • Crop History Layer has been updated with the 2022 Cropscape data set.
    • This data is used within the Crop History Layer as well as within the Crop History report.

November 2022
  • AgPilotX Wireless File Transfer - Import FIXED.
    • Resolved issue of not pulling in log files during import process.
  • 2022 USDA Soil and Wetland Refresh data now available in Soil and Wetland Maps.
    • Previous versions of the soil database can still be found in the Soil Version selector on the Soil Maps.
  • Updated the NDVI Max Multi-year form with 4 more years on a second page.
  • Added Texas Sections High Plains layer
    • This is an alternative survey for the Northern Texas Pan Handle.
    • It can be enabled from the Layers panel by expanding the "Other" category.

August 2022
  • AgWare Export
    • Automate the creation of multiple maps for one or more boundaries and save them all at once.
    • Generate a code to easily move multiple maps from Surety or Surety Pro into an AgWare Sale project using the Import from Surety option in AgWare
    • The option is easily added to your account by using the quick activation process.
  • AgPilotX Wireless File Transfer (Import & Export) now available.
    • Export boundary files wirelessly to AgHippo Live software to bring into systems like AgPilotX & AgOtter
    • Import AgPilotX log files wirelessly after connecting an AgHippo account through File > Import > As-Applied Log > AgPilotX Logs then select "Wireless from AgPilotX"
  • GeoJSON format added to the list of file types in the Export/Export Current Map tool.

June 2022
  • Hydric Ratings now available within the Soil Map attribute grid.
    • These ratings can be enabled from the Soil Features Tab within the Soil Report Options settings page.(Tools > Options > Soils Report Options)
  • Added a "Zoom To" option for log files that were previously uploaded.
  • "Force Labels" setting now available in the Labels Tab of a form or layer's Layer Properties page
    • This will ensure that the labels will appear on the map and not be hidden by other labels or objects on the map.

May 2022
  • Chemical with GPA form added to the Map/Form list.
    • This is an alternate form to the Chemical form that incorporates the GPA which allows rates units that are based on the total number of gallons in the job.

April 2022
  • Crop Assignments Form added for use by Surety Pro accounts.
    • Enable this form from the map/form Favorites list from within the My Maps/Forms section
    • This layer is used to to easily assign crop types to field boundaries.
    • Use the Layer properties to automatically color the records by CropName.
  • Crop Summary Map report added for use within Surety Pro accounts.
    • This map template contains an Crop legend that will display crop names and total acres of selected Crop Assignments records.
    • This form is specifically designed to be used in tandem with the Crop Assignments Layer.
    • Enable it using the Map/Form Favorites link from within the My Maps/Forms section

March 2022
  • Expanded Soil Color Options
    • Select from a huge number of colors or enter a hex color code to assign any color to your soil reports.
  • Attribute Color Legend for maps/Forms
    • Add a legend to your custom map or form template that displays a custom layer's information.
    • Example: Add a Crop legend that lists all the crop names (and their color) displayed within the map extent as well as calculates the total number of acres for each type of crop.
  • Added Max Scale override setting for the imagery layer within the Forms Designer
    • Allow the FSA Photo imagery to appear at further extents no matter the size of map on your form or report template
    • Contact AgriData, Inc. Support for help with your custom map or form.
  • Add Average Water Holding Capacity data for the top 60" to the Soil Map
    • Available to IA soils only
    • Enable this data on the ISPAID tab within the Soil Report Options page.
  • Subscription Studio enhancements
    • Clarifications within the Edit Products window on additional team member pricing.
    • Changed profile menu icon from "dots" to a "pencil" to be consistent with other areas of the software.
    • Add a PO# on subscription invoices.

February 2022
  • Parcel IDs are can now be located using the Search Bar above the map and in the Search panel.
    • This is available for any account that has added the Parcel Data layer including base Surety® subscriptions
  • Enhanced the Keep Selections option within the Search panel.
    • The Keep Selections will now maintain all drawings and selections (including drawn quarter sections and searched parcels) between searches.
  • Crop History has been updated with the 2021 Cropscape data set.
    • This data is used within the Crop History Layer as well as within the Crop History report.

October 2021
  • Search Bar added above the map and into the Search panel.
    • This search bar can accommodate a wide variety of search inputs.
    • When searching portions of sections, the search will automatically create a boundary based on the PLSS lines.
      • For example, searching "S1/2 NW1/4 14-151-53" will create a boundary on the south half of the northwest quarter of the section automatically.
    • Use the question mark button next to the search box to see examples of what information can be searched.
  • Added Units to Crop Yield column headers on the Soil Map grid.
    • This helps clarify what each crop yield column units represent.
  • Added a Weighted Average value to the Irr and Non-Irr class number column within the Soil Map grids.
  • Disable Section Lines outside of current township with a new option within the Map Options interface.
    • This provides a map that is less cluttered while still showing relevant section data.
  • Custom Forms now have a setting to Allow Multiple Parcels to be selected for a single map/form.
    • Parcel attributes will be listed out within the text box when form or report is generated.

September 2021
  • Edit Products button added to Subscription Studio's Team Member and Admin profile tiles.
    • This adds an all-in-one interface to enable admin's to more easily understand all the options when assigning subscriptions and add-ons to Team Member profiles.
  • Add New Team Member and Hide/Show Inactive Members button added into the Subscription studio.
    • Add New Team Member enables Admins a more straightforward method of adding additional licenses to the Company account.
    • Hide/Show Inactive Members is a quality of life improvement to accounts with a number of inactive team members. This allows those profile tiles to be hidden while viewing the Subscription Studio.

July 2021
  • Added the Team Member ID to the mapping interface.
  • Located in upper left corner of mapping interface.
    • Share this number with AgriData, Inc. support to help us identify your correct account.
  • Hide Labels & Pins based on attributes within the Advanced Color By options within the form layer properties.
    • This setting expands the flexibility of what can be done with a layer's pins and labels by allowing labels to be applied on an attribute by attribute basis.
      • An example of this feature would be removing the pins and labels of all records with the status of "Complete" while still displaying labels and pins for records set to "Requested" and "Approved" on the map.
  • Display your company and/or your location email address on maps and forms.
    • @companyEmail and @locationEmail have been added to the list of Variables within the Form Designer in order to be integrated on any map or form.
    • the AgriData support team if you are interested in adding your email to the forms or maps.
  • Added a default "Save As" name when a form or map is saved or emailed from the system.
    • When saving a map as a pdf, the default filename will now be relevant to the type of map or form you are saving.
    • The default name is controlled in the Forms Designer - Form Properties settings. Accounts using custom forms will need to either update the new setting within the Forms Designer or contact AgriData Support to update their form.

June 2021
  • Legal Description map released.
    • Create a map that will write a basic legal description based on the PLSS boundaries.
  • Added new PLSS BLM Layers to the Layers panel
    • Township-Range, Sections, and Quarters & Lot designations are available by in Layers > Other > PLSS BLM

March 2021
  • Bug Fixes
  • Background performance improvements for Forms (Saving, Editing, Deleting)

February 2021
  • Bug fixes

January 2021
  • Client List Updates
    • New option to set client as "Inactive" when adding/editing the client record.
      • Inactive clients will not appear in the Client list drop down but still appear when using the Edit Client interface.
    • Expanded Edit Client interface to show more records per page. (20, 50, or 100)
  • Send Support Request option added to Help drop down
    • Easily send a support message to the AgriData, Inc. support team.
  • Changed "Support" to "Support Documentation" under the Help drop down.
  • Added Satloc® Cloud API integration and removed Satloc HQ integration
    • Satloc Cloud has replaced Satloc HQ as the wireless file transfer system used by Satloc navigation systems.
    • Any Surety account that was using the Satloc HQ wireless transfer integration will need to re-link their account within their Surety/Surety Pro account.
      • Link your Satloc Cloud account by going to File > 3rd Party API Access
  • Expanded click box when deleting placed Labels
    • Labels are now easier to delete using the delete icon when hovering over the label.

December 2020
  • Added Updates button to the Surety and Surety Pro menu bar
    • This provides a quick reference to newly released features
    • A "New" flag will display whenever features have been released.
      • This flag will disappear once the the content has been viewed
  • Removed result limit from the Parcel Data Layer. (SP & PD)
    • Now able to cycle through 100 results per page
  • Forms Designer emailThisForm Script enhancements.
    • Job files attached to the Auto Email form function will now be named according to the Job File Download value
    • Attached .Zip files are now named according to the FieldId attribute if it exists on the form.
  • Updated Form Manager's Form Export function
    • When exporting Forms as a Tab Delimited file, the attributes will now be ordered alphabetically.

November 2020
  • Weather Outlook
    • A report that will display safe spraying times for chemical applicators based on weather forecast data.
    • Customize the weather threshold to fit your application criteria.
  • Labels and Symbols now more user-friendly
    • Set default styles including size, color, and rotation.
    • Made the Update and Save functions consistent with other parts of the program.
  • Change Saved Form Status within the Form Manager
    • Use the Update Status option to change the status attribute of a form.
  • Display humidity values within the applicator log grid using the Get Weather buttons
    • Available to add to custom forms

October 2020
  • Protected Areas of the US layers added
    • This layer displays protected areas of the United States that are managed by an array of different federal, state, tribal and local level authorities.
    • Examples of land in this layer include: State and National Parks, Nature reserves, wilderness, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, US Army Corps of Engineers, and more
    • The layer is broken into three categories: Designations, Fees, and Easements. They can be found in the Other category within the Layers panel in Surety and Surety Pro

September 2020
  • NEW Hillshade layers
    • Hillshade Topography Layer
      • Added color scaling and shadowing to the topography data
      • Opacity and exaggeration adjustments can be made within the Topography Hillshade layer properties
    • Hillshade for Max NDVI layer
      • Opacity and exaggeration adjustments can be made within the Maximum NDVI Hillshade layer properties
    • Hillshade for FSA Photo layers
      • Opacity and exaggeration adjustments can be made within the FSA Hillshade layer properties
  • MN Fall Nitrogen Restrictions Layer
    • Layer showing areas of Nitrogen Restrictions in MN
  • MN Buffer Layer moved out of the H20 layers group
  • Added Hillshade Forms
    • Topography Hillshade
      • displays the selected boundary with the Topography Hillshade and contour layers enabled
    • NDVI Hillshade (Located within the NDVI dialog)
      • displays the selected boundary with the Max NDVI Hillshade and topography contour layers enabled.

July 2020
  • Get Weather button added to Application Forms
    • Chemical, Aerial, Aerial with GPA, and Dicamba Application forms now contain a "Get Weather" button that will fill in Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, and Cloud Cover based on the Date of Application and Start and End Time of each Spray log.
    • Weather data is available up to 60 days prior to the current date.
    • Get Weather function can be added to any Custom form.

May 2020
  • Assign attached zip file name within Email PDF function.
    • Can also set attached zip file default name from Attach Shape File options
  • Added support for TracMap Flight3 log files.
  • Expanded KML import capabilities
  • Added link for the Export Shapefile to AgPilotX support site when accessing the download shapefile page with Safari on an IOS device.
  • Removed page break from Save as Jpeg output files.
    • Option available in Options Page to restore page break if needed.
  • Now able to select and save company/location level layer boundaries to the client level layers.

March 2020
  • Default Client option added to the Options Page
    • Set a default client to be selected when logging into a Surety Pro account
  • Added Productivity Index & CSR toggles within the Soils Options Page
  • Added RoundUP/RoundDown script functions to the Forms Designer
  • Rename Exported Zip filename before download
  • Keep Selections option added to the Search function.

February 2020
  • Buffer Polygon
    • Buffer Current Polygon added below Adjust Polygon feature.
    • Use positive or negative values (in feet) to enlarge or shrink the polygon evenly around the boundary
  • Export Line and Point layer records from the Form Manager
  • ND Sensitive Areas layer now stays on between mapping sessions if enabled.

January 2020
  • NDVI Features - NDVI is relative vegetation density index that can assist in determining health of vegetation and productivity of soil.
    • NDVI Reports added to Map/Form list within their own NDVI category.
      • NDVI Max
        • Maximum NDVI for the whole year or set a date range. Includes statistics.
      • NDVI Multi-Year
        • Display the NDVI Map for multiple years.
      • NDVI Single Date
        • Display the NDVI Map and legend for a specific date.
      • NDVI Soil Map
        • Display NDVI values per each soil type.
    • Maximum NDVI Layer added to the Layers list
      • Enable this layer to see the Maximum NDVI data color overlay for a selected year.
  • Topography Contour Data integration
    • Topography Contours Map
      • A new printable report that overlays contour lines labeled with elevation.
      • Adjust the contour interval to show a detailed topographic map.
    • Contour Topo Lines Layer
      • Enable the Contour Topo Lines in the layers panel to show contour lines and elevation as an map overlay.
      • Use the Layer properties to adjust the contour line intervals at different map scales(zoom levels)
    • Adjust Contours
      • A number of maps and forms now have an Adjust Contours option that will add contour lines to that map and allow the contour interval to be set.
      • Force the Adjust Contours option to be added to a map/form by first enabling the Contours layer within the layers panel.
  • Soils Report Options enhancement
    • A Soil Options button has been added to maps containing a soil type grid.
      • The Soil Options set through the map-specific button will only affect that soil map's template.
      • When accessed through the Tools > Options > Soil Report Options, only the original "Soil Map" template's soil grid will be changed.
  • Added Export features
    • An Export button has be added to ALL reports, maps, and forms to allow an easy way to export mapped information.
      • Contains all of the options of the standard export (Shapefile, Shapefile with Soils, Georeferenced JPEG, GeoTIFF, Satloc Job file, and KML of boundaries).
      • Added NDVI export when exporting from an NDVI report.
      • Added direct download link for GeoTIFF files.
  • Export Line and Point layer shapefiles from the Form Manager (SP)
  • Forms Designer Additions (SP)
    • Grouped interface items into 4 categories
      • FEMA
      • Legend
        • Added "NDVI Legend"
        • Added NSVI Date Legend
      • Custom Lists
      • Custom Grids
        • Added "NDVI Max Date Grid"
        • Added "NDVI Single Date Grid"
    • Added new variables and variable categories.
      • Topo Variables
      • NDVI Variables
      • Added "Crop List" variable to Account list
        • Pulls crops from saved forms within Surety Pro
      • Added "Cropscape List" variable to Account list
        • Pulls crops from available Cropscape data
    • Map Properties layer additions
      • Topo Contours - turns on contour lines and adds an interval control
      • Soil Layer - turns on soil lines

October 2019
  • Soil Database Updated

September 2019
  • Split Field drawing tool enhancement
    • After splitting a boundary, if a selection "X" is placed on one side of the split, the non-selected side will remain drawn after a map/form has been created to further edit.
  • Export Line/Point Layers from the Form Manager(SP)

August 2019
  • Added Client information to SHP Export
  • Export All Client Borders (SP)
    • Added "Client Borders" to File > Export drop down.
      • If no client is selected, the export will contain all boundaries within the Borders layer for the current location/company.
      • If a client is selected, the export will contain all boundaries within the Borders layer for the current client.

July 2019
  • Export log files as shapefiles for use within other systems.
    • Each part of the log file can be exported separately or together: flight path, spray path, spray swath, & spray swath + 10%

May 2019
  • Added FEMA Layers under H20 in the Other section of the Layers panel.
    • FEMA Base Flood Elevation
    • FEMA Communities
    • FEMA Navigatable Waterways
  • Added Rivers and Streams layer under H2O
  • Added Water Bodies layer under H2O
  • New Form Available: FEMA Determination Form
  • New Report Available: FEMA Report
  • Able to insert FEMA variables on Custom Forms using the Forms Designer (SP)
  • Custom Forms can now be multiple pages using new Page option in the control properties

November 2018
  • Magnetic Declination Updates
    • Plot Deed Drawing Tool now retains Magnetic Declination value on save (SP)
    • Both Plot Deed and the Deed Studio will display E or W with the Magnetic Declination. If +/- is used when entered, it will be converted to E/W

July 2018
  • Parcel Data Map
    • Supports multi parcel selection
    • Displays Attribute grid that can be customized on the form
  • Smart Select now will draw from Form layers

April 2018
  • Added ability to pull products from the Crop Protection Database to add to a company/location's chemical product list. (SP Only)
  • Added Dicamba Application form to Available Form list within Surety & Surety Pro

February 2018
  • Updated Emailer
    • Attach Shapefiles of the Attached Map's boundaries
  • Added Email PDF into the Dossier Studio Export Drop Down (SP)
  • Read Only Setting available in the Options Page

January 2018
  • Added Soil Variables to the Form Designer
    • This allows a form to have a weighted PI without having the full Soil Grid displayed.
    • Available Weighted Average Variables
      • Bulletin 811
      • CSR
      • CSR2
      • NCCPI
      • PI (State) Weighted Average
      • Soils Weighted Average list
    • The Sales Data Form has been updated to include Weighted Average Variables based on map location

December 2017
  • Enhanced Layer coloring options within the  Advanced Layer Properties
    • Color numeric attributes using ranges. (similar to soil map coloring)
  • Added .KMZ files to available upload types for Borders and Custom Layer (SP)
  • Added Progress bar when exporting and copying within the Form Manager
  • Added information balloon within the Subscription Studio to help identify how to change a single license subscription.

November 2017
  • Parcel Data
    • Multi-Selecting now allowed for forms/maps that do not contain Parcel Variables i.e. soil map.
  • Parcel Labels
    • This displays the Parcel ID & Owner name within the Parcel boundaries.
    • Can be customized to look and display different data.
  • New Form Label Placement and Visibility Controls within the Layer Properties
    • Label Position
    • Priority
    • Turn Off at Scale
  • Latest Soils Data has been implemented into soil reports

October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
  • Layer on/off settings now save to location/company level by default.
    • Added a specific option in Options Page to revert back to saving layer visibility settings to the client level
  • Added functionality to the Additional Extent Map Property in the Forms Designer
    • If populated, sets the extent to that defined value
      • An example of this would be adding 2 miles to the total extent of the selected borders
      • Will add to the extent unless "custom extent" is selected
  • Forms/Maps E-mailer Attach Shapefile enhancement
    • Attach one or more type of Shape file (shp, kml, job) whenever you use the Email PDF option.
  • Updated the emailThisForm script that can automatically email a pdf of the Map/Form
    • The emailThisForm script now includes to ability to define one or more shapefiles(shp,kml,job) to include with the form/map itself
  • Export page enhancement
    • The last Export type selected will save for next time opening the Export page

July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
  • Parcel Boundaries and Data Layer
    • A premium add-on layer that includes parcel data from the county office. Data availability is dependent on the county and can vary county to county, state to state.
      • Not all counties in all states have Parcel Data available.
    • Data can be purchased at a state-by-state basis. (see the Pricing Page for details and County availability)
  • Map Options labeling now allows cycling inclusion of Acres, FarmName, FieldID independently from each other.
  • New Watershed Layer for Surety and Surety Pro.
  • Client Clear (SP)
    • quickly clear a client from the mapping interface with the clear link.
  • Extended length of client drop down list.

March 2017

  • Subscription Studio
    • Redesigned Administrative interface for managing the company account.
    • Includes a new checkout process, Team Member Management, Location Management, ability to add the Dossier Studio to your account, and more.
    • Removed Location, Manage Users, Add Licenses, Company, and Payment History from the Admin drop down since all of that functionality is now accessed through the Subscription Studio
  • Removed ability to generate a location invite code from Invite Users page
  • Deed Studio moved out of Beta state and is now a premium add-on to Surety Pro
    • Activate the Deed Studio Trial from the File drop down 

January 2017

  • Added Quarter Quarter Section Quarters Layer
    • This layer breaks each quarter section into quarters for reference.
  • Misc Updates to the Deed Studio
    • Broke out the Plot Tab's Map Layers to be able to individually enable Sections, FSA Borders, Quarter Sections, Quarter Quarter Sections
    • Expanded the search feature's available criteria
    • Updated Exclusions to remove the Tract border when exclusion overlaps it.
  • Hail Probability maps updated.
    • Hail Probability maps now have smooth contoured lines.
    • False positives due to wind towers, large planes, and large flocks of birds have been virtually eliminated
    • History for refined maps date back to January 1st 2016
    • Small adjustments to the Hail Probability Legend to reflect updated severity tolerance definitions
    • The time frame on the hail probability has changed to a 24 hour period starting at 12am CST

November 2016
  • Favorites Organization
    • Manage your list of forms by assigning them to different categories.
    • Company Administrators can now force certain forms to display for all company accounts.

October 2016
  • Deed Studio Beta - Limited Time access for Surety® Pro licenses
    • A premium add-on feature for Surety Pro that assists in mapping out Legal descriptions containing metes and bounds calls.

September 2016
August 2016
  • SatLoc® Wireless File Transfer (Import/Export) (Import job files is only available in Surety® Pro)
  • Added a "download" link next to SatLoc® Job file in the Export menu to provide a direct download of just the job file. (not compressed into a zip folder)
  • Photo Dates Layer
    • Easily see the exact date the imagery was taken by enabling this layer.
  • Wetlands Data Layer
  • Localized Crop History Data
    • Crop History data will now load faster and more reliably by storing the data on our local servers.
  • Add Descriptions/Notes to Uploaded Pictures

June 2016
  • Quarter Section Layer
    • Display the (Approximate) Quarter Section lines to easily be able to identify and divide a section using the drawing tools.

April 2016
  • Roll All Borders
    • When rolling borders, choose to roll all clients borders from and to a specific year at once.
  • Form Manager Enhancements
    • Total Column can sum numerical data displayed within the Forms Manager columns from the Choose Columns page.
    • CropYear Filter now built into the Form Manger and automatically filters to the currently selected Crop Year on the main mapping interface.
  • Export page file type descriptions are now clearer.
  • Smart Select Drawing tool Enhancement
    • After creating an exclusion with the Draw Field tool, the Smart Select can select the excluded area.
  • Year Specific form save designations
    • A property added to the forms to save the Form data without a year (set within the Form Designer).
    • Custom Layer importer allows this to be set upon import.
    • Driftwatch, FAA Obstructions, and Sensitive have all been updated to not be Year Specific
  • Email Report, Form, or Map as a PDF
    • To: email list will pull from the emails in the client list.
    • Invite User now links to Client Email List
  • Form Quick Fill Functionality
    • Automatically fill large portions of a form with one click by defining specific Quick Fill sets.
    • CopyField Property added within the Forms Designer to enable controls to be a part of the Quick Fill on the form.
  • Batch Job Files - Export
    • Add and order multiple Aerial work orders within the Dossier Studio (including from different clients) and save them as a single job file with multiple polygons.

March 2016
  • 2015 NAIP Imagery update
  • New AgriData Inc. website design launched.
  • Remove Selection Layer added to the Map Options page
    • Hides selected layer boundaries on the generated map.

January 2016
  • Dossier Studio
  • Geotagged Picture Support
    • Import picture files that contain Georeferenced data
    • Manually Georeference Imported Pictures.
  • Added AgriData, Inc. Refund Policy to Help drop down
  • Custom Form Custom Form License Agreement added to Help drop down.
  • Use Whole Log Option
    • Cycle the option of displaying the entire log's applied acres on a Application form or the trimmed acres to the selected or drawn boundary.(S/SP)
  • Notification for older browsers becoming unsupported.
  • Email PDF enhancements
    • Option to Optimize pdf for viewing on mobile devices (flatten pdf)
    • Email using services@agridatainc.com

November 2015
  • NRCS 2016 Soils Data Update

October 2015
  • Scale Bar
    • Added to FSA Map, Soil Map, and Topography Map
    • Scale Bar Control added to Forms Designer to allow placement on any map or form.

September 2015
  • Added additional properties to the Label tab of the Form Layer Properties
    • Min Feature Size - Determine if or when labels appear on a boundary or a line
    • Label Offset - Change the placement (offset) of a label so it is moved away from the center of the boundary

August 2015

  • Client Select redesign (Surety Pro)
    • Select a location, client, and crop year in the right hand panel of the main mapping interface.
  • Updated Forms Designer Interface (Surety Pro)
    • Properties Panel is detached from main window allowing modification of items off of the live canvas.
  • Expanded Forms Designer referencing functionality
  • FEMA Layer Enhancements
    • Control Colors/Fills/Opacity/Labels of the different Flood Zones
    • Visibility Enhancement for FIRM panel Layer
  • "Email Form on Action" Control in the Forms Designer
    • Example: when a work order is saved with the status changed to "Complete", an email is sent to the client to notify them.
  • Plot Deed Drawing Tool Enhancement (Surety Pro)
    • No longer need a Central Angle when supply Bearing, Distance and Radius
  • Line and Point Shape Layers are able to be modified after saved. (Surety Pro)
    • A selected Line layer will select the corresponding form in the Form Manager when displayed
  • Export Form Data to a shape file format. (Surety Pro)
    • Generate shape files that include Form attributes(data fields) directly from the Form Manager
  • Advanced Color By settings added.
    • Control the color and style of the Border, Hatching, and fill of a saved form independently.
  • Log Layer Properties enhancement
    • Visual options are now available for log layers including color, opacity, and border within applicable log types
  • Added "Remove Color" option and Primary Color selection to Color Picker
  • Changed "Edit Forms" link to read "Form Manager" below the Form/Map list in Surety Pro
  • Additional Form Layer Property added to Layer Property Window
    • Outline color & Use Outline Color added as properties for polygon and point layers.
  • Auto Enable a Custom Layer upon save option (Surety Pro)

July 2015
May 2015
  • Crop Year selection (Surety Pro)
    • Select a different crop year without needing to access the client select screen
  • Remove surrounding crop record while in a form. (Surety Pro)
  • Field ID now appears on a generated map. (Surety Pro)
  • Updated Address Search database
  • Added @mapLengthFt variable to pull the length of a line into a generated form.

February 2015
  • Canadian Mapping - Aerial Photography added to 2 Canadian Provinces: Saskatchewan & Manitoba. (Surety & Surety Pro)
  • Copy Forms to new Crop Year - Copy a form record into a new crop year within the Forms Manager (Surety Pro)

January 2015
November 2014
  • Multi-Polygon shape files now can be imported into Surety Pro
  • Product List now includes the option to add a default rate and price to a record.
    • Contact Agridata support at for help on including those values into a customized form.
  • USDA/NRCS Annual Soils Data Refresh Update

October 2014
  • Usability Enhancements
    • Previously saved form prompt - Find and edit a saved form much easier by just selecting the border that contains a form and click on the Form type in the Forms panel. (Surety Pro)
    • Multi-Form Printing and Saving (Surety Pro & Surety form sharing accounts)
      • Select all of the forms to be printed and open them in a multi-page pdf document for easy printing.
    • Multi-form delete. (Surety Pro)
      • Delete one or more forms at once directly from the Forms Manager. (Surety Pro & Surety form sharing accounts)
    • Split/Merge saved borders.
  • Edit Field(s) - Change the border on a generated form. (Surety & Surety Pro)
    • The Edit Field(s) button that is located on a generated map or form, enables the user to edit the field border without having to generate a new form or reenter form data.
  • Previous Form Data Reference - Automatically carry data over from a previously saved form to a new form. (Surety Pro)
    • Using the Forms Designer, a specific formula can now be used to pull data from specified previously saved forms into a newly generated form.
  • Enhanced sorting function in the Forms Manager (Surety Pro & Surety form sharing accounts)
    • Bring forms contained in selected borders to the top of the list.
    • More ways to filter forms such as greater than, less than, contains, and more.
  • Form Enhancements
    • Complex formulas are now more reliable. Values refresh when a referenced field value changes.

July 2014

  • Sections & Township_Range layer option in layers panel.(Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Disable the Sections and the Township/Range from appearing on the map.
  • Reduced the opacity of the spray swath overlay on the log file layers.

June 2014

  • Harvest Form Released (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Document all of a field's loads in one form for easy reference.

May 2014

  • Automatic Hail Probability Notification Emails (Surety Pro Admin)
    • Surety Pro Administrators can now have their account send Automatic Emails when there is a probability of hail on their client's borders.
  • Acres Applied (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • The Aerial Application form contains a field called Acres Applied that will now show the exact acres that were sprayed from the log file data if present.
  • Custom Layer Importer (Surety Pro Admin)
    • Import border data into its own layer that is able to be colored, modified, and sorted depending on the information attached to the data.
    • Now import Line & Point data to appear on the map.
  • FAA Obstructions (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • View Obstructions from the FAA database on the map.
    • Add your own obstruction points with Surety Pro.
  • Log Layer Improvements (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Spray Swath data- Creates a line with the same width as the spray.
    • Spray Swath +10%- Creates a line that is 10% wider than the spray record to show a more accurate coverage area.
    • Log color changes: Spray Path = red, Flight Path = pink, Spray Swath = yellow, Spray Swath +10% = blue
    • Export log layers - Retrieve log layers anytime by downloading the log file back onto the computer or device from inside Surety/Surety Pro.
  • Included Customer information entry area on the Soil/Plant Forms
    • Added the customer list that is integrated when Sharing the Soil Sample - AgriData and Plant Tissue Analysis - AgriData forms.
  • Plot Deed enhancement
    • Now can account for Tangent Deflection
  • Location Access for User Roles (Surety Pro Admin)
    • Setup Surety Pro Users to be able to access other locations data without granting permission to access the Admin functionality.
  • Shared Forms Manger Add Client (Surety Pro Admin)
    • Improved the ease of adding a client to share a form with in the Shared Forms Manager.
  • Save field borders in a simple lat/long coordinate format. (Surety Pro Admin)
    • Use the Forms Designer to place a button on your form to save a shape boundaries in a plain text format compatible with Delorme GPS equipment and possibly others.

April 2014

  • Iowa ISPAID Crop Yield Data (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Added ISPAID crop yields to the current soils database to appear on the Soils map for the state of Iowa
  • Reorder the Form Layers on the Map
    • Allow changing the order of the layers to determine what gets visible superiority.
  • Usability Enhancements
    • Export feature now accessible without selecting a client.(Surety Pro)
      • Added export link on company/location view for Surety Pro accounts.
    • Clear drawn borders after saving the borders. (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Pre-Populate Status List with Requested and Completed
    • Form sharing improvements
    • Remove custom layers from reports if a field is drawn or selected.
      • If an existing form of the same variety that you are generating exists on the view-able map, it will hide it on the Form's Map.
    • Forms Designer is scroll-able and easier to use on smaller screen sizes. (Surety Pro Admin)
    • Blank Values are able to be searched in the Forms Manager. (Surety/Surety Pro)
  • Change the border color, font color, font style, and more. (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • After you generate a form or report, use the Map Options to change the style of the font and the color of the borders.
  • List Items now have a default option. (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Have an item in a list automatically appear when generating a form. For example the Crop Name or Applicator name.
  • Field Ids show on the map(Surety Pro)
    • Field ID added to the map within saved borders.

March 2014

  • Manage all Forms (Surety Pro)
    • Redesigned to enable you to receive and review orders, view, schedule, and manage your workflow.
    • Added Custom Filters & Grouping
  • Shared Forms Manager(Surety Pro Admin)
    • View and manage forms that have been shared with other Surety users.
  • Satloc & TracMap Flight Path Log(Surety/Surety Pro)
    • View the entire path of your TracMap & Satloc Log files.
  • Windmill Symbol (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • A new windmill added to the symbols list.
  • Form Layer Labeling Text Style (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Change the text style of the label to be Emboldened, Italicized, or Both.
    • Also introduced the ability to disable the text outline color.
  • Plot Deed Tool Enhancement(Surety Pro)
    • Plotted lines turn yellow if intersect with one another.
  • Administrative Tools Enhancement - Show Password(Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Account administrators are now able to view the current passwords of any of the users in the company.
  • The Follow Me Tool (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Now will keep the current Map zoom level when moving the map to follow your location.
  • Plant Tissue Analysis Form (Surety/Surety Pro)
  • New Form available to be used for gathering and storing information for submission to a company that offers Plant tissue analysis services.
  • Forms Designer (Surety Pro Admin)

January 2014

  • Introduced Surety® and Surety® Pro Webinar training.
  • Custom Form Layers (Surety Pro)
    • A new, more customizable interface for creating, modifying, and viewing custom layers.
    • Added the ability to add and Save Sensitive crop boundaries to the map.
  • Hail History Layer and Hail History Report (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Select and view any date 1 year previous of current date to display that data on the map.
    • Select from the current and past 2 years of data on the Hail History Report.
  • Soils History and version Available (Surety/Surety Pro)
    • Choose previous versions of soil data.
    • View the version of the soil data on the footer of the soil map.

Usability Enhancements (Surety Pro)

December 2013

November 2013

October 23, 2013

  • Deed Plotting Ability (Surety Pro)
    • Accurately and easily plot border coordinates contained in Deeds with the Plot Deed drawing tool.
    • Plot Deed Tool
  • Draw Line Tool Released

October 1, 2013

  • Road Data and Interface Updated
    • The major and minor roads have been updated and major roads now include highway symbols.
  • Forms Designer Publish Button
  • Automatic Email Notification when Account expires
    • We will now email the company administrator to notify of an expiring subscription. The notification intervals will be 30, 15, 10, 5, and 0 days until expiration.
  • Enable/Disable Pushpins in the Form Layer Properties
  • Convert a drawn border to a symbol to access properties to color border and fill.
  • Latitude/Longitude Search Marker
  • Refactored Tools in the left hand panel(can now pan or zoom with any tool except the Select and Zoom Tools)
  • Symbols & Labels> Delete Key is functioning when focus is on the map.

September 13, 2013

  • Auto Emailer for expiring accounts 30, 15, 10, 5 days and 10% on web service credits.
    • Now administrators get notified by email when your account is about to expire.
  • Link a Form with another Client.
    • Surety Pro admins can link a form to a totally different Surety account to edit and save back to the Surety Pro account.
    • Primarily used for taking orders.
    • Form Linking
  • Symbols
    • We have added unique symbols for marking locations on the map like hazards, field entrances, etc.
    • Symbols
  • Username
    • Reintroduced username to be used and changed for all accounts.
    • My Profile
  • CC email
    • When emailing your maps or forms from the Surety System, you can now add multiple cc addresses to send to.
    • Email Pdf
  • Lat/Long, Long/Lat of selection
    • The select tool will now display the coordinates of the most recent selection made.
    • Select Tool
  • Labeling now has properties windows.
    • Have more options when you are editing labels

August 23, 2013

  • Auto Emailing System


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