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Upload and View As Applied Log Files to Surety®

Modified on 2024/08/26 22:37 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
In Surety® you can upload a log file from your AgNav, AgPilotX, DynaNav, SatLoc®, or TracMap device and view the As-Applied logs paths on the map and their corresponding data within the Aerial Forms. In this section, we will step through the upload process and bring that information including the total applied acres onto to the Aerial or Aerial w/GPA application forms.

This page will also cover the ability to take log files that were imported into Surety or Surety Pro and export(convert) them as files compatible for other GIS software. The export option formats include Shapefile, KML, and FieldView compatible filetypes. Jump to the Export Log section.

Keep in mind...

  • Surety® subscriptions are limited to uploading one log file at a time.
  • Surety®Pro subscriptions can upload as many files as they need and they will be saved until deleted. (See: Uploading/Importing Log Files with Surety® Pro)
  • When calculating the applied acres, the default setting is to clip the acres to the selected boundary. This can be changed with the Use Whole Log setting.

Upload a single SatLoc, TracMap, or AgPilotX Log file into Surety®


Hover over File > Import > As Applied Logs


Click on the appropriate Log file type depending on the navigation device installed in your asset.
Surety & Surety Pro support log files from the following devices:
See also: What is a Satloc log file?

Please Note! AgNav files must be converted to the appropriate shapefile format using the SprayView software before importing. See the AgNav As Applied Import Support Page for more details.

In this example we will be demonstrating uploading a SatLoc log file. TracMap and AgPilotX files have the same process whereas DynaNav and AgNav have slightly different filetypes to use. Please take a look at their specific pages (linked above) to see the differences.

>> If you are wanting to upload your file from a Wireless Cloud system from Satloc Cloud or AgPilotX, view our dedicated pages to those processes: Satloc® Wireless Data Transfer | AgPilotX Job file Wireless Transfer

First we will locate the log file on the computer or removable device.

Make sure that if you have your log files saved to a removable device such as a usb memory stick, that the device is plugged into the computer now.

Click Choose file or Browse... (wording varies depending on your browser)


Navigate to, select the appropriate .log file(s), and click Open. (log files can also be combined into a zip folder and imported all at once *Surety Pro Only)


Click Upload File


Once completed it will give you a confirmation message. Close out and if you left the zoom to option checked during import, the map will zoom to the extent of the imported log file(s).


Close out to return to the Map View. Locate and click the Layers button in the right hand panel. Then expand the Log Layers item by clicking the small plus symbol. 


Log files (shown in example) contain data for the spray path, flight path, and the spray swath.

Surety has the ability to display all of these options plus we have included an optional Spray Swath + 10%. This option takes the spray swath and adds a 10% buffer area.

Spray Path

After the upload is successful the map will automatically zoom to the area that the log file is displayed(if the zoom to selection is checked). 

By default only the spray path will be checked after import 

On the map, the spray path will be represented by red lines (by default) that indicate the passes made with the spray nozzle on. 


Flight Path

The flight path will be represented by pink lines (by default) that indicate the entire flight. 


Spray Swath

The Spray swath is the indicated in transparent yellow (by default).  This data shows the width of the spray nozzles.


Spray Swath +10%

This takes the Spray Swath and adds a 10% buffer coverage area.

When checked, this data will appear as a transparent blue overlay (by default). 


Manage Log Files (Export, Zoom to, and Delete)

There are small icons located to the right of a log layer in the right hand panel.

These icons are: a trashcan, a magnifying glass, and a computer disk.

Delete, Zoom To, or Export log file

Delete, Zoom To, or Export log file

Click the trashcan in order to delete the log file from your mapping account.


Click the magnifying glass to zoom to the log on the map.



The Save Disk will open an Export Logs dialogue box.


This Export page allows the selection of one or more options at a time to export. Any options will be exported within a Zip file.

Log File: This will export the log file as it was imported into Surety.

Spray Path
Flight Path
Spray Swath
Spray Swath +10%
FieldView: This will export a shapefile compatible with the FieldView Software

The four parts of the log file (Spray Path, Flight Path, Spray Swath, Spray Swath +10%) can be exported as either a shapefile or a KML file. Select the type from the File Type: drop down.


Change the filename for the exported log file.


Export as a FieldView compatible log file

By checking the FieldView option, the exported zip file will contain a specific set of Shapefiles that are compatible with the FieldView mapping software. This option also requires more attributes to be set within the file. They will appear within the Export dialogue once selected.


Make sure to fill in all of the attributes and then click Export to download your files. (NOTE that the FieldView software requires the file be in shapefile format.)


The exported file will be a zip file containing all of the selected formats.

Use Whole Log

Click on the "Log Layers" link in the Layers Panel to bring up this option.


When turned on (checked), this setting will tell the program to no longer clip the applied acres to the selected or drawn borders when generating an Aerial or Aerial w/GPA Application form. The entire applied acres of the entire flight will be calculated and displayed after the log has been selected in the form. (See: Applied Acres below.) If you wish to use this setting, simply click the checkbox and then click Save.


Display the Log File data on an Aerial Application Form

It is possible to bring the log information automatically into the Aerial or an Aerial with GPA Form

Open the layers panel and expand the log date. For the log data to be available within the layers panel, the map must include the area in which it was recorder or flown at. You can zoom to the log by clicking the magnifying glass icon next to the layer date, there are also buttons to Delete the log entirely (trash can) and Download the log to your computer (Computer Disk)

Select a field or multiple fields that have at least part of the log layer overlaid on it and generate an Aerial form or and Aerial wGPA form.


IMPORTANT STEP! Change the "Date Ordered" field on the form to a date before the log was created.
Now click in the Logs: field and the applied log layers will be able to be selected. Once selected some information will populate in the Date of Application, Start Time, End Time, and Acres Applied automatically from the log file information. The map will also update once a log file is selected.

Remember the Applied Acres will calculate by clipping the spray swath to the selected or drawn boundaries unless the Use Whole Log setting is changed.


In Surety® only one log file will be able to be uploaded at a time. If a new log file is uploaded, the last one will be removed from the map.

In Surety Pro, multiple logs can be uploaded and saved in the program. See:Uploading Log Files with Surety® Pro

Change the color of the as-applied records

The color, outline, and opacity can be changed to suit the user's preference.

Modifying these attributes can be done by first locating the log layer in the Layers panel and expanding the date.


Then click on the blue link of the part of the log file that you would like to modify.


If you click on either the Spray Path or Flight Path your options will be limited to changing the color of the line and its opacity.


When accessing the attributes for the Spray Swath and Swath + 10% the Default Color (fill color) becomes available to change.


After changing the properties, you can see what they look like on the map by clicking Update or finish by clicking Save.

You can also set the colors back to their defaults by clicking Default.


Related Pages:

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- UseWholeLog2.png 34.97 KB

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