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Maps, Reports and Forms available within Surety® and/or Surety® Pro
A staple of the Surety® and/or Surety® Pro subscription is the wide variety of Maps, Reports, and Forms that you can generate and save.


Manage which maps and forms are available on the Surety®/Surety® Pro interface
Visit the: Favorites and Form Organization support page.

Maps and Reports
The following are to be generated as needed.

  • Crop History
    • View a 4 Year history of vegetation within a selected boundary.
  • Crop Summary Map (Surety Pro Exclusive)
    • A report containing a colored Crop Type legend that lists crop types and totals acres.
  • FSA Map
    • A printable version of the current map shown on the mapping interface (in a similar layout to a map received from a FSA office) that highlights the selected or drawn borders and labels the acres of each.
  • FEMA Report
    • Shows a breakdown of FEMA flood zone and FIRM Panels that are present in the selected boundary
  • Hail History Report
    • Shows the history of hail probability for a selected or drawn border.
  • Hail Report
    • Only available after enabling the Hail History Layer.
    • Shows Hail history probability for selected area & date
  • Legal Description Report
    • A report that will create a legal description of the plotted land based on the section quarters and lot numbers it intersects with.
  • NDVI Reports
    • NDVI Hillshade - Max NDVI wih topography hill shade
    • NDVI Max Year - Maximum NDVI for the whole year or set a date range. Includes statistics
    • NDVI Multi-Year - Display NDVI map for multiple years
    • NDVI Single Date - Display the NDVI Map and Legend for a specific date
    • NDVI Soil Map - Display NDVI values per each soil type
  • Overview Map
    • A map with the aerial imagery disabled intended for including a larger area and potentially many boundaries.
  • Parcel Data Map
    • Select multiple parcel boundaries and display their attributes such as Parcel Id and Ownership in a data table format.
    • Parcel Data Layer Add-on
  • Soil Map
  • Topography Contours Map
    • Displays NAIP imagery with the adjustable contour layer overlay.
  • Topography Hillshade
    • An alternate topography map using colored hillshade to emphasize elevation change.
  • Topography Map
    • Shows elevation changes in the land
  • Weather Outlook Report
    • A report that displays weather past and future weather for a designated boundary.
    • Set Weather Thresholds to color code weather forecasts for help in determining appropriate application times.
  • Wetlands Map
    • Displays Wetland classifications in a data table format.

Map-based Data Entry Forms

A form is a data entry template that will typically display a the map and use the selected boundary to potentially pre-populate certain data such as acres and location. Surety and Surety Pro offer a variety of forms for different data entry purposes. If we don't have a specific form for your needs, the Forms Designer can be used to create a custom form.

Surety® Pro Admins - Create your own forms/reports templates, custom layers, or modify the maps and forms with the Forms Designer!
Surety® & Surety® Pro Admins - Learn how to submit your Custom Form Request so it can be designed by the AgriData team.

Form Saving abilities
> Surety subscriptions may save the forms they create as pdf documents to their computer or device.
> Surety Pro subscriptions can also save the form record to their mapping account.

List of the Forms Available in Surety and/or Surety Pro

Data Layers

  • Surrounding Crop - Surety Pro Exclusive
  • FAA Obstructions
  • Sensitive Crops
  • Alternate Boundary Layer
    • Used for coloring or labeling certain boundaries or for storing an alternative boundary to the Borders layer on the same location.
  • Crop Assignment Layer
    • Used to assign crop types to boundaries to allow labeling and color coding of the boundaries based on the crop type.
    • Used in tandem with the Crop Summary Map to create a report to total the crop types for selected boundaries.
  • Parcel Info
    • Quickly pulls up available Parcel information for a selected boundary.
    • Need to have the Parcel Layer add-on to work.
    • In Surety Pro, it can be saved as a custom layer.


List Items

Some Forms contain entries that can be selected from a customized list.

Quick Fill - Surety Pro Feature

Save information that is filled in to certain items on the form as a Quick Fill Set. Simply select the defined Quick Fill name on future forms to fill in the same information.

Change the color of the boundary on the generated map

Surety Pro Form Functionality

  Name Size
- FormList.png 13.25 KB

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