Locate your area of interest by using the Address tab. Even locate a physical address!
Click on the Search button that is located in the right hand panel.
This will reveal several navigational tools that will enable you to easily and quickly locate your area of interest.
Then click on the Address tab.
Now, click on the drop down to choose a state. If you would like you can click the Zoom to State link and Surety will zoom to that state.
When you start typing in a city name, it will populate a list below the text box of matching cities. Select the correct city from the drop-down.
Again there is an option to click on Zoom to city if you would like to immediately zoom to the city extent.
You can keep narrowing your search by entering more information such as House number and Street name.
When typing in the street name, a list of streets will appear
When clicking on Zoom to street,
scroll down to choose the desired location
and Surety will automatically highlight the street until you move the map with a pan or zoom in/out.
If you want to search for the exact address, click the Locate button.
Surety will narrow down options of possible addresses you are looking for. Scroll down to see and select the desired address.
After an address is clicked, Surety will find the location and place a crosshair on the exact address.
Lastly, you can search by county as well. Just choose a state and a list of counties will become available in the County drop down.
Note: If clicking Zoom to... or the Locate button is non-responsive, then please try resetting your web browser See also:
How do I reset my web browser?Navigate To: