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Forms Designer - Form Properties

Modified on 2021/11/01 23:09 by Adam Categorized as Forms Designer
The Form Properties contains options for your form that are not something that can be placed on the Canvas
They are located under File > Form Properties in the Forms Designer Menu Bar.


A Properties window will open that contains options that will affect how your form will work.



Set a category for your form to be listed in within the Form Favorites and Organization Interface


Use the drop down to select one of the default categories or click the pencil icon to setup a custom category or sub category.


Select "Force Category" to force the currently opened form to be placed in the selected category. The form would not be able to be moved into another category within the Favorites page.


Select "Default to Hidden" to initially hide this form option from the Map/Form List (still available within the "Show Hidden" and "Favorites").


Form Name

In the case where it is beneficial to rename a form, it can be done here.


Then Save or Publish the form.


This is an alternative method to saving a copy of the current form layout as a new name.

Note: If there are any formulas referencing the previous form name, they will need to be changed in the appropriate places.

Form geometry/shape/drawing type

This drop-down selection sets which type of drawing/shape/geometry is needed for this form to generate. There are 3 different types to choose from.

  • POLYGON - a closed shape with at least 3 boundary points
  • LINESTRING - Created with the Draw Line Tool (calculates length not acreage)
  • POINT - created by placing a "Select" X on the map

Map Drawing Type Selection

Map Drawing Type Selection

If your form is set to a Point type, then it is not possible to draw a polygon or line on the map and generate this form. In addition, you are not able to import any line or polygon shapefiles into this layer with the Import Custom Layer tool - just shapefiles containing points. This same restrictions applies to the Linestring and Polygon types respectively.

Form Display Style

This setting will determine whether the form data can be saved within a Surety Pro account or not.

Form Style

Form Style

The Savable selection will enable the Save Form button on a generated form and will restrict the form link from showing up in the Form list until a Client has been selected. (Note: this will NOT restrict the form from being saved to the Company Level)


Changing to the Display Only will...

  • Make the form available in the right hand panel at all times. You will not need to select a client to access it.


  • Restrict the form data from being saved into the company database by removing the Save Form option.


An example of a current form using this property would be the FSA Map. these are not able to be saved to the client and they are available if there is a client selected or not and it cannot be saved to the client or company database.

We advise not to use the Dossier Only unless specifically instructed to by the AgriData, Inc. team.

Preview Description


Type a description of the Form to be show where the form is listed within the Favorite forms list.


Show Download Job Button (Satloc Navigation Device)


If the Show Download button is enabled then the "Download Job" button becomes available on the form for the export of a Satloc Job file.


See Also: What is a .JOB file used for?

Show Download Text Button (Delorme Draw File)

DeLorme ground gps systems require the latitude and longitude coordinates of the boundaries be in a certain text format.

Add a button to download and save the boundary in this specific text format by enabling it in the Form Properties menu within the Forms Designer.


Once you save and publish the form you can find the button in the right options.


Max Scale

The max scale number sets the maximum zoom level that you are able to generate a map from. The greater the scale number, the further out the form or map can be generated successfully. It is recommended not to alter this number unless advised to by the AgriData Support Team.


Save To

Save to will save the form information at either the Company level, "Location" level (if available) or the Client level (default)

An example of the "Company" level form is the Sensitive Area layer. Any information that is saved to this layer is available under any client.
A location level save would make the form data available to all users assigned to that same location.
An example of the "Client" level is the Chemical Form, that record is only available when that client is selected.


Save Data by Year

This setting will enable the data to either be saved specifically to the selected crop year or be available to any Crop Year selected.


Form Columns

You can preset the columns that appear by default when accessing this form in the Form Manager. NOTE:This setting should be set after the form is saved and ready to be used to ensure the proper columns are available to choose from.

  • More information regarding Setting Form Columns can be found on the Forms Manager page.

Set Default Form Manager Columns

Set Default Form Manager Columns

Requires Parcel

This setting will prevent the form from being generated unless the Parcel Data layer is available and a Parcel boundary has been selected.


Allow Multiple Parcels will remove the restriction of only being able to select 1 parcel and generate a form that requires parcel data. Any control that contains a parcel variable will list out the attributes of all parcels selected when the form is generated.


Default "Save As" Name

Use the drop down to choose a control from the form template to be used as the default name when using the Save PDF or Save As JPEG options on the form. The default "Save As" name will appear as the control's contents. For example, if you set the drop down to ClientName, then then name of the client on the generated form will be what is used as the default Save As name.


After using the Save PDF or Save As JPEG, the filename will populate.


Once you have made your necessary changes to the Form Properties, then click the OK button to commit your changes or click the Cancel button to close the window without making changes.


Note: Make sure to remember to File > Save or Publish after confirming the Form properties changes.

See Also:

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