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With Surety Pro, all of your uploaded Satloc, AgPilotX, TracMap, DynaNav and AgNav log files are stored on the map to the Log Layers.

Jump to the section that you are interested in learning more about.

Section 1 - Uploading and viewing a Log File in Surety® Pro
Section 2 - Displaying Log file information and Weather data on the Form
Section 3 - Changing the Style of the Log layer overlay

Related Support Pages:

Types of As Applied Log Files

Hover your cursor over File > Import > As Applied Logs > then choose the appropriate type of log file based on the Navigation system it was created with.


Depending on the type of file you need to upload, the window that appears next will differ slightly.

AgNav - Visit our AgNav Import Support Page for more information.

AgNav Log Upload window.

AgNav Log Upload window.

AgPilot X - Visit our AgPilotX Import Support Page for more information.

AgPilotX Log Upload Window

AgPilotX Log Upload Window

DynaNav - Visit the DynaNav Support Page for more information.

DynaNav Log Upload window.

DynaNav Log Upload window.


SatLoc Log Upload window.

SatLoc Log Upload window.



TracMap Log Upload window.

TracMap Log Upload window.

Uploading a Log File into Surety Pro

On this page, we will be demonstrating the SatLoc log file upload process.

To start, make sure that the Crop Year is set correctly for the log file that you are uploading. It will default to the current year. You can also choose All Years to make the log available in all crop years.

Select Upload Log File to upload a single file.

Select Upload Log File to upload a single file.

To upload a single log file click on Upload Log File.

Select Upload Log File to upload a single file.

Select Upload Log File to upload a single file.

To upload a Zip file of multiple logs at once select the Upload Archive option - a Surety Pro Exclusive See also: What is a Zip file? and See also: How do I unzip or zip a file?

Choose Upload Archive for Zip files.

Choose Upload Archive for Zip files.

The third option is Wireless Transfer and is only available when uploading a SatLoc file using the 3rd Party Satloc Cloud Wireless transfer support. Please see the SatLoc Wireless Transfer Support Page for more information on enabling and using this feature.

Wireless Transfer From SatLoc Cloud.

Wireless Transfer From SatLoc Cloud.


For this example, I will upload an archive file that contains multiple SatLoc Log files within it. Click the Browse or Choose File button to browse to the location where the files are stored. 

Click the Browse or Choose File button to browse to the location of the file.

Click the Browse or Choose File button to browse to the location of the file.


Choose your file and then click the Open button.

Choose your file and then click the Open button.

Choose your file and then click the Open button.


If you do not want the program to automatically zoom to the imported log files, remove the Select and Zoom to uploaded logs. checkmark.

Zoom To log.

Zoom To log.

Now click the Upload button.

Upload button.

Upload button.


Close the confirmation message window by clicking the X in the top right hand corner. 

Click the X in the top right hand corner of the Message window to close the window.

Click the X in the top right hand corner of the Message window to close the window.


Next, close the SatLoc upload window by clicking the close button.

Close the log Upload Window.

Close the log Upload Window.


The map will zoom to the log layer if the "Zoom To" selection was kept. Click Layers and find and expand the imported log layer. Initially the Spray Path will be enabled. 


Note: Log layers will appear by default as red lines indicating the spray path. In addition, log files are available for all of the clients within a company. 

Assign a log layer to a Form

To assign a log layer to a Aerial, Aerial with GPA or custom form with an application log section, we will need to first select a client if not already done.

You will need to select a client to upload a log file to the client's field.

You will need to select a client to upload a log file to the client's field.

Determine whether or not to use the Use Whole Log file for the applied acres calculation or clip the applied acres to the selected or drawn boundary.

Click on the "Log Layers" link in the Layers Panel to bring up this option.


When turned on (checked), the program will no longer clip the applied acres to the selected or drawn borders when generating an Aerial or Aerial w/GPA Application form. Instead, the entire applied acres will be calculated and displayed after the log has been selected. (See: Applied Acres below.) If you wish to use this setting, simply click the checkbox and then click Save.


Now choose your Field ID or manually zoom down to the field that corresponds with the log layer.


Click Select in the left hand panel. > Click your field to place a red X. > Lastly, click Form Manager in the right hand panel.


The Forms Manager will open.
The Form Manager will checkmark any saved form record that corresponds to the selected field(s). Click to open the Aerial, Aerial w GPA, or a properly setup custom form that you want to add the log file information to.

The Forms manager will contain all of your saved forms for a particular client or company depending on the

The Forms manager will contain all of your saved forms for a particular client or company depending on the "Managing" selection.

To select the log click on the field next to Logs: and choose the desired log file. You will have a choice between 4 types of files. Spray Path, Flight Path, Spray Swath, & Spray Swath +10%

Note: By default the Date on the form will be of the date that the form was generated. In order for the log to appear in the Log file drop down, the date must be that prior to the date assigned to the log file.

Click in the field next to logs to choose your log file.

Click in the field next to logs to choose your log file.

The Date of Application, Start Time, End Time, and Applied Acres (See also: Use Whole Log) will automatically fill in for you.

Once the log file is selected than it will visually appear as a log layer in the Aerial form map.

Once the log file is selected than it will visually appear as a log layer in the Aerial form map.

Surety integrates with DTN weather to provide you with weather history data that can be applied to your form. Once a log has been selected, click the Get Weather button to the right of the form to automatically add the Wind speed, wind direction, temp, cloud cover based on the selected boundaries and the date/time of the log.


The humidity can also be produced although this requires customizing the form. See: Custom Forms Request


Finally, this form can be save with the log layer and the rest of the information filled out. Moreover, it can be printed and/or emailed to other parties. 


Changing the Style of a Log Layer on the map

The visual representation of the log layer such as color, opacity and width can be changed on the map using the log layer properties.

Get Back to the main map containing the log layer and open your layers panel if it is not already.


Click on the blue link of the data set that you would like to modify.


This will open the properties panel allowing the modification of the different visual attributes.


See: Upload Log File with Surety® for a more complete walkthrough of modifying the log layer properties.

See Also:

  Name Size
- 4ofthe5layers.PNG 1.33 MB
- Aerial Form Log Selected.jpg 162.16 KB
- aerialreport.PNG 451.28 KB
- AgNavLogwindow.png 42.32 KB
- AgPilotXimportwindow.png 10.17 KB
- Browsebutton.PNG 45.71 KB
- Buttons.png 6.11 KB
- ChooselogfileandclickOpenbutton.PNG 38.86 KB
- choosingalogfile.jpg 155.62 KB
- choosingalogfile.PNG 365.80 KB
- clickredXtoclosemessagewindow.PNG 13.69 KB
- ClickSatLog.PNG 9.88 KB
- ClickSelectinthelefthandpanel.PNG 725.88 KB
- closeSatLogwindow.PNG 28.30 KB
- DynaNavLogwindow.png 14.85 KB
- Edit FormsLink.png 17.10 KB
- EditReportsintherighthandpanel.PNG 13.14 KB
- FarmView.PNG 154.12 KB
- FieldIDandField.PNG 1.29 MB
- FieldViewwithLogFile.PNG 1.31 MB
- FormsManagerAerialFormSelect.png 64.36 KB
- Get humidity.png 6.54 KB
- Get Weather03.png 16.07 KB
- HoverFile.PNG 9.32 KB
- HoverUploadData.PNG 9.83 KB
- ImportMenu.png 74.70 KB
- Log File -explained.jpg 221.65 KB
- Log File -hit edit border.jpg 175.82 KB
- Log File -Pro View.jpg 231.53 KB
- loginfoautofilling.PNG 452.28 KB
- loglayerappearinginaerialreport.PNG 501.28 KB
- Logproperties0.png 30.45 KB
- Logproperties1.png 19.89 KB
- Logproperties2.png 39.55 KB
- Messagewindow.PNG 19.96 KB
- PlacedaredXonafield.PNG 704.11 KB
- SatLogwindow CropYear.png 27.76 KB
- SatLogwindow.PNG 22.82 KB
- SavedReportswindow.PNG 19.24 KB
- selectedclient.PNG 15.06 KB
- selectingtheaerialmap.PNG 18.48 KB
- Selectlink.PNG 7.17 KB
- sm4ofthe5layers.jpg 183.42 KB
- sm4ofthe5layers.png 731.23 KB
- smClickSelectinthelefthandpanel.jpg 85.39 KB
- smFarmViewwithSavedBordersandReport.JPG 89.86 KB
- smFieldwithLogLayer.JPG 80.33 KB
- TracMapLogwindow.png 15.48 KB
- UploadArchive.PNG 62.93 KB
- Uploadbutton.PNG 21.06 KB
- Uploaded Log View.png 185.60 KB
- UploadLogFile.PNG 24.76 KB
- WirelessOption.png 83.63 KB
- ZoomTo.png 20.71 KB

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