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The Color Legend on the Surety® and Surety Pro Soil Maps are customized using the Soil Color Options settings page within each account.

Watch the tutorial video to learn how to use the Soil Color Options.

To access the Soil Color Options settings page, navigate to Tools > Options > Soil Color Options from the drop-down menu above the map interface.

Note that the following settings only effect the current user profile and not any additional user profiles that may be setup in the company account.


The Soil Color Options page contains attribute columns each with their own coloring settings.
The Soil attributes that can have colors setup include the following:
  • Productivity Index
  • Corn Suitability Rating (CSR)
  • Soil Rating for Plant Growth (SRPG)
  • Non-Irrigated Class
  • Irrigated Class
  • Illinois Bulletin 811 Productivity Index
  • Range Production (Normal Year)
  • NCCPI Overall Index
  • NCCPI Corn Index
  • NCCPI Soybeans Index
  • NCCPI Small Grains Index
  • NCCPI Cotton Index


To set colors on your soils reports you need to have at least one attribute Enabled that appears on the generated Soil Map.


When generating a Soil Map, the attribute that is used to determine the coloring on the soil map will the first attribute(from left to right in the options page) that meets the following criteria:
A) available within a soil type on the Soil Map
B) is set to "Enabled" in the Soil Color Options page
Since certain Soil attributes only are available within certain states, the state that the soil types are located are a large determining factor on what color legend is used. The soil attributes can also be disabled using the Soil Report Options page which would also disabled the color legend.

Example: If you had an Iowa map pulled up and you had the CSR colors enabled as well as the Non-Irr Class, the CSR would be color coded on the actual report because it comes first left to right in the Soil Color Options Page (as long as it is set to "enabled").


The range of each soil color can be customized by clicking in the min or max column and edit its contents.


The color of each range is modified by either clicking on the Color block next to the Max range


A Hex Color Code value can also be entered to set the color of the value range. Hex colors enable specific colors that are not present in the color block selection tool.


Use the "Set Defaults" checkbox to revert both the number ranges and colors within an attribute set.


Make sure to click or tap Save to confirm your changes.



See Also:

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