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The Orthophoto layer allows a user to select from a list of previous or historical aerial images.

Surety and Surety Pro use NAIP Imagery (or FSA photos). NAIP is an FSA program that acquires the map images by plane, not satellite. This imagery is acquired on a schedule that is specific to each state. Typically new imagery is acquired on a 2 year cycle.

The map imagery and the hillshade overlay are contained within their own layers in the Surety and Surety Pro interface.

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How to disable or change the aerial photography year.

Click on the "Layers" button in the right hand panel in the mapping interface and locate the Orthophoto Section


Click the check to toggle the imagery layer altogether or use the drop down to choose from previous years of FSA Photos.


Once selected the map will take a few seconds to reload with the selected year's imagery.


The layer can be disabled completely by clicking on the check mark next to the drop down.


Color Infrared Imagery

Certain states have the Color Infrared imagery available. This will be denoted with the CIR in the Orthophoto drop down.


When enabled the Color Infrared will display on the map.


More information about the Color Infrared:

FSA Photo Hillshade

Enable the Hillshade adjustment to the FSA Photos by checking the "Hillshade" layer located immediately under the FSA Photo layer selection.


This layer helps visualize the elevation changes in the land by creating a shadow-like look on the map based on topography data.


The FSA opacity and Vertical Exaggeration can be adjusted by clicking on the blue "Hillshade" layer link itself.


DOQ and Topo options

A Black and White DOQ photo is available from the drop down


Also the older USGS Topography map can be selected


Keep in mind what is selected here will appear on an FSA map or any other map (excluding soil and Topo maps) that is generated.

The FSA Photos available are digital ortho images taken by the National Agricultural Imagery Program or NAIP. These images are acquired typically every 2 to 3 years depending on the state.

USDA/FSA - NAIP Imagery. (2015). In Programs and Services., from https://www.fpacbc.usda.gov/geo/index.html

See Also:

  Name Size
- CIR Map.png 914.49 KB
- CIR.png 8.55 KB
- Hillshade Compare.jpg 114.46 KB
- Hillshade layer toggle.png 46.33 KB
- Hillshade Properties.jpg 63.91 KB
- Ortho01.png 14.40 KB
- Ortho02.jpg 198.51 KB
- Ortho03.png 6.12 KB
- Ortho04.jpg 184.79 KB
- Ortho05.png 96.12 KB
- Ortho06.jpg 39.43 KB
- Ortho06.png 454.55 KB
- Ortho07.jpg 65.54 KB
- Ortho07.png 515.56 KB
- Topo.png 5.90 KB

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