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Send job files (boundaries) wirelessly to and receive log files (as-applied data) wirelessly from your AgPilotX navigation system using options within Surety® and Surety® Pro.

How to export a boundary file wirelessly to AgPilotX through the AgHippo system

Note: An "AgHippo Live" account is required in order to transfer boundary and log files wirelessly with your AgPilotX device.
Learn more about Insero's AgHippo Live here: AgHippo Live Information

After selecting or drawing one or more boundaries, use the Export function from one of the following locations:

  • Select Export in the right panel


  • File > Export > Current Map


  • Create a Map/Form and use the Export button on the map/form page.


Once within the Export interface, name your job in the GeoJSON line and then click on the AgPilotX Wireless Transfer link.


This will bring up the AgHippo Sign In page. Enter the username and password of the account that contains the Assets you wish to send the files to.


You will then see an Authorization page to allow Surety to access your AgHippo Live data. Click Authorize


From here you can choose your asset and click Deliver Job File to send the job to your AgHippo Live account to be grabbed by your Asset.


This window is also where you will be able to Change the connected AgHippo account connection if you need to send to a different asset or applicator.


If your browser's Pop-Up Blocker is blocking the opening of the AgHippo windows, follow the instructions on our dedicated Pop-up Blocker Help Page to correct the issue and try again.

A results message will appear indicating if the transfer was successful or not.


How to import an as-applied log file wirelessly from AgPilotX through the AgHippo system

Access the import feature by going to File > Import > As-Applied > AgPilotX from the drop down menu above the map.


Select the Wireless Transfer option.


Pick which crop year to load the log file(s) into if not the current year.


Select the date to retrieve all logs available from that date until the current date. The default Status will be set to "Complete". This can be changed to see files with a different status.


Click View Logs


If an AgHippo account has not been linked or the Change Account link is used, an AgHippo login page will appear. Fill in the AgHippo username and password and click Log In.
Note: If the pop-up doesn't load or doesn't appear at all, a pop-up blocker may be preventing the site to appear. Follow our instructions on how to disable your pop-up blocker.


Click Authorize in the next window.


Once authorized, a list of available Job files will display. Scroll down and check the log or logs (multiple log upload available in Surety Pro only) to be imported.

Note: If a Job Name has a status of "EXISTS" then that log already has been previously uploaded.

Once all desired Job files have been selected, click Import AgPilotX Logs


Once the files have been uploaded, a confirmation message will appear. Click Close to view the logs on the map and listed the Log Layers panel. See Upload and View As Applied Log Files to Surety®


These log files can be applied to form records to create an as-applied map. View our Uploading Log Files and As Applied Maps


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