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After saving a border in Surety Pro, it may be necessary to edit or modify that border and update the saved record. A variety of drawing tools can be used to accomplish this process depending on how the border needs to be modified.

Manually move the saved boundary lines and points

This can be done easily with the Smart Select drawing tool. 

First locate your saved border that requires modification. 


Click the Drawing tool in the left panel. 


Click Smart Select


Left click once inside the saved field border to select and draw out that border. 


Now the border can be modified with the Smart select or the Draw field tool. 

See the Draw Field page for help on working with border nodes.


Once you have your desired changes completed, click the Save Borders link on the right panel.


The map will reload and the green border will reflect your updated saved border.


When modifying and re-saving, any farm name and field ids will be retained.

Split Saved Border

You can split a saved border with the split field drawing tool.

Locate a saved border and select the Split Field Drawing Tool in the left panel


Select the field and split it. If you need to adjust the split line you can by entering in different values within the Adjust Acres boxes and clicking apply. Once you are finished adjusting click Finish.


Click Save Borders


Note: When splitting a saved border, do not use the select option in the Adjust acres popup if your intent is to immediately re-save the boundary as split. If you would like to only save one side, Click Finish and then select the boundary that you want deleted with the select tool and click edit borders to delete it. 

The Select buttons can be used if you are not planning on saving the split field as such. It is used if you want to generate a map or form using only one side or the other (or both). 

Note: Only the yellow side will retain the name of the field. You must select the boundary and click Edit Borders to rename it.


Merge Saved Borders

Using the Merge Fields drawing tool, it is possible to merge 2 or more boundaries with at least one of them being saved.

First locate the Merge Fields tool in the left panel.


Then click on the borders that you want merged together. Click on the border who's name you want as the merged border first.


After Merge Selected is clicked, the separate borders are now one drawing. Click Save Borders to update the Saved border records.  


The Record is now updated and using the Farm and Field name of the first boundary that was selected in the previous step.


You can also merge a saved border with an FSA border or a drawn border in the same method.

See Also:

  Name Size
- Drawing.jpg 22.31 KB
- Drawing2.jpg 58.12 KB
- Locate.jpg 95.17 KB
- MergeSaved1.png 4.48 KB
- MergeSaved2.jpg 123.46 KB
- MergeSaved3.jpg 111.00 KB
- Save01.jpg 120.87 KB
- Save02.jpg 130.72 KB
- Smart01.png 4.74 KB
- Smart2.jpg 84.09 KB
- SplitPro4.jpg 7.22 KB
- SplitSaved1.jpg 89.70 KB
- SplitSaved2.jpg 78.31 KB
- SplitSaved3.jpg 88.60 KB

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