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The data in this layer is gathered from Cropland data layer created by the USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service's CropScape Program. 
For more information visit: http://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/

The Crop History layer can be used to view the previous crops grown in fields across the United States. This layer allows you to visualize up to 10 years of cropping history for a field and may indicate poor stand depending on image date and planting date. 

Surety & Surety Pro also offer a Crop History Report that will show a 4 year span of crops for a particular field selection. (See: 4 Year Crop History Report)

Let's start by displaying the layers panel. Click on the Layers button.


Locate the Crop History Layer


Place a check mark in the selection box. 

The date in the drop-down can be changed by clicking the down arrow. Note: the current year will not be available. 


The map will now show different colors depending on what crop was determined to have been grown for that year.


Click on the Legend link to the right of the layer selection to bring up the reference of which colors indicate which crop types.

Note: it is best to access the legend when the map is zoomed in relatively close to the field. If at a larger extent, the Legend will take longer to load and will contain all colors it finds on the current map view. This makes it more difficult to find the correct color.

The legend will sort from largest percentage of crop in view to smallest from top to bottom.


If there are squares of different crops within a field, it usually indicates a poor stand that could be due to wetness, hills, weed pressure, etc.


See Also:

  Name Size
- ch1.png 21.44 KB
- ch2.png 40.76 KB
- ch3.png 35.22 KB
- ch4.jpg 106.89 KB
- ch5.jpg 94.50 KB
- ch6.jpg 51.46 KB

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