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Add or Remove Maps or Forms from the Surety® or Surety® Pro interface.

By default all available forms and maps are listed in the right hand panel. Using the Favorites option, it is possible to manage which forms and maps are visible on the interface and which are hidden from view unless you need them. It can also be used to group certain form and map types into easy to locate categories.

Click on the Favorites link to the right of the form list to begin managing which forms appear on the interface.
(Note: it is recommended to select a client if you are using a Surety® Pro subscription, otherwise not all forms will be available to manage.)


This will open a Forms window displaying the different categories of forms and maps.


Navigate through the form/map list by using the plus buttons next to each category. The number in parenthesis indicates the number of forms within that category(including its subcategories).


Once expanded the different forms and maps will be listed out. The entire description of the map or form can be read by hovering the mouse over the first few words of the description.


To hide or add a certain form or map from or to the interface; expand the category (and subcategory if necessary) with the plus buttons, remove or add the check mark next to the particular map(s) or form(s), then click Save.


Show Hidden...

Any map/form not set as a favorite will appear in a list to use after clicking on the Show Hidden... link.


The Show Hidden window will only list the forms/reports that are hidden from view using the Favorites link. Each in there respective category.

Generate the forms/map by expanding its category and clicking on the name of the form/map.


Managing the Favorites Organization
All of the forms/maps within the Favorites either have a locked or an unlocked icon assigned to it. This indicates whether the form can be moved from its current category into a new category. By default the maps/forms will be assigned to an initial category.

Any of the maps or forms can be moved by clicking and dragging the row to a different category. The map or form will be placed in the spot with the dotted line around it.


Click Save to apply any changes


Note: Changing which forms belong to which categories will only affect the current Surety profile and not the entire company or location accounts.

Creating custom Map/Form categories within the Favorites list

Surety® Pro Administrators have the option of creating custom categories and placing custom forms within those categories by default. Another option is to force a custom form to use a certain category and not allow it to be moved within the Favorites Organization page.

Surety Administrators can contact the Surety Support team if any changes or additions are wanted for within their company's categories.

Open the Forms Designer from the Admin drop down.


Navigate to File > Form Properties


To manage the current list of available categories, click on the pencil icon next to the Category drop down.


The Favorites Folder Management Page will appear.

To Add a top level folder: click the green plus button next to "Add New"


Give the new folder a name and click Save.


Add a subcategory by clicking the plus button to the right of the designated top level category name.


Added categories are available at the company level and cannot be set to a specific location or client level access. 

Custom categories will be highlighted in blue. The name can be changed by clicking on the pencil icon or the entire folder can be deactivated by clicking on the trash icon.


Once a category is deactivated, it will no longer show up in the Favorites page but it won't be removed from the available categories list in this management screen, it will instead replace the trash can icon with an arrow icon. By clicking this arrow icon, the category will become available in the Favorites list again. 

Note: Any forms or maps contained within a category that is deactivated will be moved to the My Forms/Maps category.


Set/Force a Custom Form to a category

To set a custom form to be available within a certain category, open the form from the File > Open command in the Forms Designer.


Go back to the Form Properties window from File > Form Properties.


Assign the desired category using the drop down. This will place this form in the selected category but it will still be able to be moved by any company user within their own Favorites page.


Lock the opened form from being in any other category by checking the Force Category option. This affects all users with access to this form.


The form can also be set to hide by default by checking the Default to Hidden option. That way the users that want the form visible can access their favorites list and manually set it as a favorite. This setting must be turned on prior to the form/map's release. 

The Default to Hidden setting is also useful when an administrator is in the process of building a form and is wanting to test it without anyone else in the company mistakenly using it. 


Write a quick description for the opened form (limit 255 characters). This will appear in the Favorites Organization window. 


When done, click OK


Then Publish the form to apply the changes. 


Now if you open up your Favorites list, the custom form will be listed in the designated category. 
If force category was turned on it will display a lock to indicate it cannot be moved.
If it was defaulted to hidden it will not be checked indicating it is not appearing on the interface. 


Related Pages:

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- Favorites9.png 17.70 KB

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