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The Overview Map is one of the map options to generate in Surety® and Surety® Pro

It is programmed and setup similar to the FSA Map except it doesn't have the the detailed location information and the aerial imagery layer is turned off. 

The Overview Map is also frequently used within the Dossier Studio (Surety Pro exclusive feature) to display all boundaries within the Dossier. (See: Add an Overview Page to the Dossier)

One function of the Overview Map is to create a map that look similar to a plat book. It is a good option to use when wanting to create a larger scale map with one or more selected or drawn boundaries.

Select or draw one or more boundaries or lines on the map. (Note: a drawing or selection is not required to generate the Overview Map.)


Zoom in or out to your desired map scale.


Click on Overview Map.


The Overview Map will generate. The title line can be modified with desired text.


Use the buttons to the right of the map to perform the action you desire.


Related Pages:
  Name Size
- OverviewMap01.jpeg 151.25 KB
- OverviewMap02.png 1.42 KB
- OverviewMap03.png 10.72 KB
- OverviewMap04.png 87.74 KB
- OverviewMap05.png 46.18 KB

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