Forms Designer Support Overview

Modified on 2023/08/29 22:32 by Adam — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The Forms Designer is a powerful tool that allows users the freedom of nearly limitless possibilities to creatively design professional looking map-based forms as well as the capability to modify existing forms for your company's particular needs!

Disclaimer: While the Forms Designer has simple drag-and-drop interface to accommodate the beginner user, the bulk of the designer is made for the more advanced user. AgriData, Inc. offers in-depth walk-through content here on our support site for all of the features of the Forms Designer as well as the ability to have the AgriData design team create your form for you with our Custom Form Ordering service.

Custom Forms Request

Additionally, we offer both Surety® and Surety® Pro Administrator accounts the convenience of having us bring your form needs to fruition! Simply open up our Custom Forms Request page from the Surety Admin Menu.
Click here to view the step-by-step Form Request process.

Surety® Pro company Administrators will find the Forms Designer located under Admin > Forms Designer in the Surety Pro Menu bar.


Getting Started

If you are opening the designer for the first time, Click here to go to the Getting started with the Forms Designer page.

If you want primarily to use the Forms Designer to make small edits on existing Forms visit the Modifying Existing Forms page

The Forms Designer may be overwhelming when first opened up. Not to worry, that is why we have created such extensive documentation here on the support site.

Forms Designer Menu Bar

The menu bar consists of 4 main drop downs.

Left Hand Panel

Objects (Left Panel cont.)

An object is anything that contains properties such as height, width, color, ect.

Other Forms Designer Tools and Features

Properties Panel

Located on the right hand side of the designer, the Form Designer - Properties Panel is where you can set the properties of the objects that you place on the canvas as well as a few other things.
