In Surety or Surety Pro you can search or locate a specific area by the Legal Description See also:
Zoom In,
Zoom Out,
1. First, click on the Search button in the right hand panel.
2. Now the Search button will display various search options. By default the Legal Description tab will be selected.
3. Next, choose a state. If you would like you can zoom to the state that you chose in the drop down by click on the Zoom to St link.
4. Then proceed to fill out the Section, Township and Range. Do not forget to choose the appropriate compass direction (aka: cardinal point) i.e. N, S, E, W.
5. Now click on the Locate button and you will automatically be taken to the area of interest.
6. Finally, you will be at your area of interest.
7. In certain states with certain legal descriptions may have multiple options. In this scenario, you will need to choose the correct one. See the example that is provided below.
Note: If you click on the Locate button and it does not automatically take you to the location on the map then please reset your web browser See also:
How do I reset my web browser?.
Additionally, make sure you have the latest version of the web browser that is permissible See also:
How to determine what version of a web browser you are using.