Soil Report Color Options
Modified on 2024/08/26 21:26 by Adam — Categorized as: Menu Bar, Settings
Customize the Color Legend on the Surety
and Surety Pro Soil Maps using the
Soil Color Options
settings page.
Watch the tutorial video to learn how to use the Soil Color Options.
To access the Soil Color Options settings page, navigate to
Soil Color Options
from the drop-down menu above the map interface.
Note to Administrators!
Admins for multi-user accounts can setup custom color profiles for their Company and/or for each of the Locations setup under the company. This allows the Team Members assigned to those locations the ability to use the color profiles setup by the administrator. These color profiles can also be forced upon the team members within the company or location.
Jump to Administrator Settings
How to use the Soil Color Options Page
The Soil Color Options page contains attribute columns each with their own coloring settings.
The following Soil Attributes are available to have colors assigned:
Productivity Index
Corn Suitability Rating (CSR)
Soil Rating for Plant Growth (SRPG)
Non-Irrigated Class
Irrigated Class
Illinois Bulletin 811 Productivity Index
Range Production (Normal Year)
NCCPI Overall Index
NCCPI Corn Index
NCCPI Soybeans Index
NCCPI Small Grains Index
NCCPI Cotton Index
To set colors on your soils reports you need to have at least one attribute
that appears on the generated Soil Map.
When generating a Soil Map, the attribute that is used to determine the coloring on the soil map will the first attribute(from left to right in the options page) that meets the following criteria:
A) the attribute is available for a soil type on the Soil Map
B) the attribute is set to "Enabled" in the Soil Color Options page
Since certain Soil attributes only are available within certain states, the state that the soil types are located in are a large determining factor on which color legend is used. The soil attributes can also be disabled using the
Soil Report Options
page which would also disabled the color legend.
Example: If you had an Iowa map pulled up and you had the CSR colors enabled as well as the Non-Irr Class, the CSR would be color coded on the actual report because it comes first left to right in the Soil Color Options Page (as long as it is set to "enabled").
The range of each soil color can be customized by clicking in the min or max column and edit its contents.
The color of each range is modified by either clicking on the Color block next to the Max range
A Hex Color Code value can also be entered to set the color of the value range. Hex colors enable specific colors that are not present in the color block selection tool.
Use the "Set Defaults" checkbox to revert both the number ranges and colors within an attribute set.
Make sure to click or tap Save Color Legend to confirm your changes. The color setup will be saved to the "My Colors" profile unless the company administrator is forcing the location or company color profile.
If your company administrator has setup location or company color profiles that are not being forced, you can select them from the dropdown.
Then select the "Use Selected Color Legend" to confirm the switch.
Administrator settings for Soil Color Options
When logged into an Admin account, the Soil Color Options page will have additional settings available that allow the setup of custom color profiles for the company and/or each location that has been configured within the company account(
Locations - Create, Manage and Assign locations to Team Members
The Color Legend will display "My Colors" initially. This is a User-level color profile that enables both Admin and Team Member users to have color settings specific to their login. Make sure any changes to the Color Legend tables are saved before switching to a different Color Legend profile.
Use the Color Legend drop down to select a different company or location color profile to edit. Each company/location can have its own set of colors, ranges, and enabled statuses.
When a Location/Company is selected that has never had any soil color legends saved specifically to it before, the soil color grids will default to blank and disabled.
Proceed to Enable the desired color legends, set the color ranges, and set the colors assigned to each range. Tip: Use the "Set Defaults" buttons to set a standard range and colors that can be quickly modified.
If you want the users assigned to the selected location to be forced to use the colors that are assigned the Color Legend profile, check the "Force team members to use company/location colors" option. Note that this ONLY affects the current Color Legend location selected and the users assigned to that location in the Subscription Studio.
Click Save Color Legend to apply the changes.
Once a Location/company has a saved color legend, an asterisk(*) will appear next to the name in the Color Legend drop down.
Note that the Color Legend page may need to be refreshed before the asterisks are visible in the drop down.
Copy Color Legend
Click the
link to duplicate the color legend from the
Location/Company or "My Colors" to another.
Select the Location/Company that you want to copy the current settings to then click Copy.
Note that the "Force team members to use company/location colors" setting will also copy with this function.
Delete Color Legend
Click "Delete" to remove the color settings from the selected profile. This cannot be undone.
The team members under this location will revert to the Company colors (if setup) or their own My Colors setting.
Set Defaults
Use the "Set Defaults" option to reset all of the colors and Enabled statuses for the selected Color Legend profile.
Changes are unsaved until you click the Save Color Legend button.
Team Member View
If the location or company is being forced, the Team Member will not be able to modify the color legend
See Also:
Soils Report Options
Understanding the Soils Map Report (SSurgo)