Modified on 2018/10/22 18:09 by Adam — Categorized as: FAQ, Troubleshooting
Here you will find a list of frequently asked questions pertaining to the Surety mapping program and other relevant categories.
If you don't find your answer here, please search for it in the search bar to the left or contact AgriData's support via email
What is the difference between Surety® and Surety® Pro?
How much does Surety® & Surety® Pro cost?
How do I Renew my Surety /Surety Pro Subscription?
How to add, delete and modify records ie clients, crops, product
What is a Satloc log file?
What is a .JOB file used for?
Farm Bill Section 1619
How to Add, Modify, or Delete Clients In Surety® Pro.
Saving Borders to a Client In Surety® Pro
Understanding the Soils Map Report (SSurgo).
Understanding the Topography map.
Can there be multiple company admins for Surety and Surety® Pro?
FSA Farm Field Borders (CLU)
What is Snap
Deleting log files
FEMA Flood Ways and FEMA Flood Zones (FEMA Maps Online)
How do I print an aerial Map?
How to read a Legal Description
End User License Agreement