FSA Farm Field Borders (CLU)
Modified on 2021/02/02 18:29 by Adam — Categorized as: FAQ
FSA Field Boundaries in Surety
Customized Online Mapping by AgriData, Inc.
The CLU (common land unit) or as they are commonly referred to as FSA Field borders are available in Surety and Surety Pro Customized Online Mapping for most of the continental United States.
USDA Definition or a CLU
Due to Section 1619 of the 2008 Farm Bill the CLU borders are in Surety and Surety Pro are dated May of 2008. See also:
Farm Bill Section 1619
Additionally, if you find that the field borders are inaccurate and/or not available in your area, then you can custom draw your farm borders. See also:
If you believe that there should be borders are not appearing on the map and they should be, You may have the FSA Boundaries Layer disabled. See:
I cannot see the FSA Borders
to enable the layer.
Below is an example of a section with CLU borders outlined in yellow with their acres.
CLU Borders
Related Pages:
Layers Panel