Import Pictures into Surety® Pro using the Dossier Studio

Modified on 2016/07/11 22:59 by Adam — Categorized as: Uncategorized

Easily import many pictures at once to Surety® Pro by using the Dossier Studio's Import Pictures tool.

The image must be in a .jpeg or .jpg file format to import successfully.

Note: If the files that are being imported contain geo-referenced data, then a red camera icon will be placed on that location on the main mapping interface map.
See: Import and Geo-tag a picture file within Surety® Pro for more details.

To import multiple picture files first select the client that you want the pictures stored under and then open the Dossier Studio with File > Dossier Studio. (not selecting a client will file the image under "No client Selected")

Click the Import > Import Pictures


Choose an existing folder, Type the name of a new folder to create or leave it blank to not assign a folder


Either click on the big box to open a window to browse for the files to upload


Select multiple files at once by clicking and dragging to select or holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard and clicking each file individually.


or if you have an open folder of jpeg files on your computer then you can select one of more files and drag them over to the box to start the upload process


You will see a progress bar on each image that is uploading and a check mark when it is completely uploaded then the image will be removed from the upload picture window.


Once they are all uploaded click close


Access the Pictures from the Picture tab in the Media Studio by expanding the folder they were uploaded to. (See: Dossier Media Studio for a more detailed tutorial.)


Any jpegs that contained location data that were uploaded will also appear on the map for the selected client as special icon that can be interacted with if the Pictures Layer is enabled.


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