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Illinois Bulletin 811

Modified on 2024/01/05 23:22 by Adam Categorized as Soil Map

How to create a soil report containing the Bulletin 811 Crop Productivity for Optimum Management Values

Illinois Bulletin 811 is a supplement to Bulletin 810. It contains another set of crop yield estimates for all Illinois Soils under the Optimum level of Management. "These yields were a 10 year average of what was achieved by the top 16% of farmers in Illinois in the 1990's." (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

In the Surety Soils Maps, the Indexes are adjusted for slope and erosion according to Bulletin 811 Table S3.

Note: As of November 2023, the Bulletin 811 data that is displayed in Surety maps comes from the NRCS's EFOTG database. They are now managing that data. This data now includes a adjustment for ponding/flooding which can cause some of the values to drop.

When selecting to display the Optimum Crop Productivity Ratings for Illinois Soils, it will supersede the NRCS Crop Yield Information when selected in the Soils Report Options.

Illinois Bulletin 811 Soil Data Map

Illinois Bulletin 811 Soil Data Map

Original crop yields and productivity indices for optimum management (B811) are hosted at the following University of IL web site: https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/1027

The data was updated to reflect growing conditions from 2000 - 2009 on 1/2/2012.

Original Data: Bulletin811

Bulletin 811 Data in the EFOTG database


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, . "Optimum Crop Productivity for Illinois Soil." Bulletin 811. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov 2014. Bulletin811.pdf.

See Also: 

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