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Plant Growth(NDVI) Reports

Modified on 2024/11/22 22:21 by Adam Categorized as Map or Form
Surety® and Surety® Pro provide the Sentinel NDVI data at no additional cost and offers valuable Plant Growth reports utilizing this Vegetation Density data.

  • NDVI stands for "Normalized Difference Vegetative Index" and is an indices of relative plant biomass.
  • Max NDVI refers to maximum NDVI value for each 10x10 square meter area for the growing season.
  • Within an area(field) each 10x10 max NDVI square could have occurred on different dates.
  • Sentinel Satellites will/have taken readings at least every 5 days starting in 2018 and 10 days in 2017.

Visit our NDVI FAQ page to learn more about the NDVI.

The NDVI reports are found within the Map/Form list. After you click on NDVI a sub-menu will appear providing the reports that contain NDVI data.


There is also a Maximum NDVI data layer available in the Layers panel.

The NDVI reports include:(click to jump to more details)

- Plant Growth by Year - Maximum BioMass(NDVI) for the year. Includes statistics.
- Plant Growth Hillshade - Maximum BioMass(NDVI) for a year overlaid on Topography Hill Shade.
- Plant Growth Multi-year - Display BioMass(NDVI) Maps for multiple years.
- Plant Growth Single Date - Display a BioMass(NDVI) Map and legend for a specific date.
- Plant Growth Soil Map - Display Amount of BioMass(NDVI) for each soil type.
- Export NDVI - Export NDVI data as a georeferenced file for use in other applications.

Also available is the Maximum NDVI Layer & Hillshade within the Layers panel.

Plant Growth Max by Year

The Plant Growth Max Year report shows the maximum NDVI values that were captured within a selected year for a designated boundary.



Relative Biomass Legend - This grid calculates the number of acres within each value range of Maximum Relative Biomass for the selected year. The grid then shows the percentage of the field that falls in that range and and the soil Productivity Index of those areas.

There is also a breakdown of the Standard Deviation, Mean, Min/Max values as well as the Date range these values occurred in.


Lists crop percentages of the selected area based on USDA CropScape data.


The Soils Weighted Avg shown is based on location.
ND, SD, MN = Crop Productivity Index
IL = Bulletin 811
Other States = NCCPI


Add Elevation Contours to the Map simply by typing a desired interval in feet into the Contour Interval textbox and click Update Interval. The map will update with contour information.

Contours can greatly assist in determining why areas of the field may have lower NDVI values. Displaying them will show hills and depressions within the field that can be the cause of reduced growth.


There are also elevation details listed on the bottom of the form.


Plant Growth Hillshade

The Plant Growth Hillshade map displays the Maximum NDVI layer along with the Hillshade and Topo Contour lines. This form is used to make correlations between crop health and elevation changes within a field.



Change the year the Max NDVI layer is displaying with the Select Year drop down.


Modify the interval of the contour lines on the map by typing in a value(feet) and clicking on Update Interval


View the crop type and Elevation details


Plant Growth Multi-year

The Plant Growth Multi-year will show four separate images of a four year range of Max NDVI values.



A map for each year in the 4 year span. The final(top) year image can be set using the Select Year drop down. Please Note: As of this writing, the Sentinel NDVI data only dates back to 2017


Each Year shows the Standard Deviation, Mean, Min, and Max NDVI values. The crop cover is pulled from the Cropscape data layer when available.


Soils Weighted Average and Elevation are given for reference.


Plant Growth Single Date

The Plant Growth Single Date report focuses on seeing a NDVI profile for any specific available date.



Change the Date - % of Max NDVI to see a different day's data. The higher the percentage, the higher the amount of pixels containing the Maximum NDVI for that year were present on this date.


Crop percentages of the selected area are based on USDA CropScape data. This data is related on the Year within the Date selection.


Soils Weighted Avg based on location.


Add Elevation Contours to the Map simply by typing a desired interval in feet into the Contour Interval textbox and click Update Interval. The map will update with contour information. Setting it to 0 will remove all contours.


Relative Biomass Legend - This grid calculates the number of acres within each value range of Maximum Relative Biomass for the selected date. The grid then shows the percentage of the field that falls in that range and displays the soil Productivity Index of each of those areas.

There is also a breakdown of the NDVI value's Standard Deviation, Mean, Min/Max calculations as well as the Percentage(%) of Max NDVI.


There is also Elevation details listed on the bottom of the form.


Finally the secondary map is an image taken on a single, selected date. If cloud cover existed during the date the image was taken, it would appear on this image.


Plant Growth Soil Map

The Plant Growth Soil Map integrates the NDVI values into the Soil data grid to show the Max NDVI for the selected year within each soil type.


Use the Soils Options button to adjust the columns shown within the soil grid.
Note: Changing these options will ONLY affect the Plant Growth Soil Map and not the standard Soil Map.


Export NDVI

A geoTIF file of the NDVI image can be exported from any of the NDVI forms.

Once a Plant Growth report is opened, click the Export button.


Select "NDVI Image Within Selected Borders" and click Download to the right to download just the .tif file or the Export if you are selecting other options and want to package them into a zip folder.


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