The Split Field Drawing tool is used to divide an existing FSA border, drawn border, or saved border into 2 different segments.
Locate the split tool by clicking on Drawing in the left hand panel.
Next select the Split Field radio button.
Note: It is also recommended to disable the Snap feature before using the Split Field to ensure accuracy of the split line.Now left click once inside the field border that you would like to divide or split. It can be either an existing FSA border or a border created using the drawing tools.
Now left click once outside of one side of the border that you selected in the previous step.
Left click to place nodes(points) on the map to draw out the line where you want to split the field.
Once your line is drawn all the way through the border,
double click outside of the border to create your split line and separates the two sides of the field.
The two sides of the field will be separated into yellow and red. You will also see a pop-up properties window appear.
This will allow you to change the acreage amount in either side of the split by simply changing the value in the appropriate side and then clicking apply.
Hit the select button to select corresponding colored field. Now
only that side of the field will be highlighted in the selected form or report.
- This select button works exactly the same as the select tool on the left panel except that it will place the x on the map for you.
If this field is not the only one that is being drawn or selected in the current form or report, then you will want to delete one of the side that is not needed. To do this you first must close the properties box.
Left click once in the side you would like to delete to highlight it blue.
Then press the delete key on your keyboard.
The highlighted area will delete.
You can split the field in unique ways in order to draw an accurate border. Here are some examples of different splits.
 The splitting line can be started and ended on the same side of the border. |
 Handy for making exclusions. |
 The splitting line can be as intricate as you need. |
Splitting a saved border in Surety Pro
See also: Edit saved border boundaries in Surety Pro
Locate a saved border and left click in it once the split field tool has been selected.
Using the same methods as above examples, draw out your split line and double click to split the field.
Adjust Acres and apply if you desire, then click
Finish to split the field.
The program will not automatically save the boundary, if you are satisfied with the split, then click Save Borders.
The boundary will be saved as 2 separate.
Caveats to the Split Field options when working with Saved borders.
- If both side are saved, only the yellow side will inherit the Farm Name and Field Id of the previous record.
- To save only one side of the split:
- If it is the yellow portion of the split that you want to only save, you can place a select x inside of that side and click Save Borders.
- If it is the red side of the border that you would only like to save, click the Save Borders link to save both sides, select the side you don't want, click Edit Borders, and then Delete.
- The yellow field is determined from your starting point of your split line. The first field clockwise from that point is what will be the yellow field. Since I started my split line on the east side of the boundary, the yellow field ends up to be the south side of the split.
See Also: