A Variable is used to reference a piece of information outside of the form.
The Forms Designer contains 6 categories of Variables;
Account Variables
FEMA Variables
Parcel Variables
Soil Variables
Topo Variables
NDVI Variables
This page covers the Account Variables. These variables are setup by the AgriData, Inc developers and cannot be created by the end user.
An example would be mapAcres - this variable is used to generate the acres of the selected or drawn border and would change each time a form is generated depending on what borders are selected or drawn.
Click Here or scroll to the bottom of the page to Jump to the List of Variables and their descriptions.
Using Account Variables in the Forms Designer
A list of available Account Variables is located in the Forms Designer menu bar under Insert > Insert Variables > Account Variables
There are a few different ways to incorporate Variables into your custom form.
The first way is to place it into a Text Box, Label, Text Area, Drop Down List, or Drop Down Combo by itself.
First place and select the Text field that you would like to insert a variable into.
Now place you cursor into the Text area of the Properties panel, highlight and delete the existing text if not wanted.
To signify that the text that is being put in is not meant to be literal, an equals sign (=) is required to be placed before the variable.
With the cursor still behind the equals sign, hover over Insert > Insert Variable > Account Variable.
The list that appears contains many of the usable Variables.
 A list of all available variables that can be used. |
For this one I am going to select mapCenter
It will place "@mapCenter" into the text area behind the equals (=) sign.
Here is an example of a correctly formatted Variable by itself =@mapCenter
An example of an incorrectly formatted Variable by itself @mapCenter
Another way to incorporate a variable into your form is to put it into a formula.
Lets take the variables mapState and mapCounty for example. Rarely are these 2 variables going to be sitting by themselves.
mapCounty is the county where the center of the map lies.
mapState is the state of the map center.
So if we wanted to always show the county, state of the mapped area the best way to do this is to put them in a formula together.
- remember when using a formula, the program needs to be told exactly what to display using the basic formula rules. An example would be adding a comma and a space. We need to designate the comma and the space by using the plus (+) to add another something. Since comma space is a hard coded string of characters to display then quotations need to be set around them to designate that this is the exact characters to display. Then use the plus(+) sign again before adding the next variable.
Correct =@mapCounty + ", " + @mapState
What appears when generated  Correctly formatted |
Here is what displays when incorrect formatting of the formula occurs:
Incorrect =@mapCounty, @mapState
What appears when generated  Incorrectly formatted |
We were able to use a basic formula to save time and space by not needing to create more than one text area to individually put the 2 variables in.
See the Formulas Page
List of Variables
- Map Variables
- mapAcres - total acres that are drawn and/or selected on the map
- mapLengthFt - takes all of the drawn "Lines" and gives a sum of the total distance in feet.
- mapCenter - latitude and longitude of the exact center of the map
- mapCenterDecimal - latitude and longitude of the center of the map in decimal format
- mapCenterDecimalLat - latitude of the center of the map in decimal format
- mapCenterDecimalLon - longitude of the center of the map in decimal format
- mapTownship - the township name where the center point of the map lands
- mapCounty - the county name of where the center point of the map is
- mapState - the State name abbreviation of where the center point of the map is
- mapStateLong - The entire state name (as opposed to the abbreviation) of the center point on the map.
- mapLegal - the legal description(section-Township-Range) of where the the center point of the map is
- mapLegalQtrShort - displays a shorthand version of the quarter section legal description
- mapLegalQtrMedium - displays a medium version of the quarter section legal description
- mapLegalQtrSource - displays the source of the section information.
- mapLegalQtrMessage - displays disclaimer regarding the section source.
- mapScale - this adds a distance scale to the form for the map.
- selectCenter - latitude and longitude of the center of the selected polygon or line
- selectCenterDecimal - latitude and longitude of the center of the selected polygon or line in decimal format
- selectCenterDecimalLat - latitude of the center of the selected polygon or line in decimal format
- selectCenterDecimalLon - longitude of the center of the selected polygon or line in decimal format
- selectCounty - the county name of the center of the selected polygon or line
- selectLegal - the legal description(section-Township-Range) of the center of the selected polygon or line
- selectState - the State name abbreviation of the center of the selected polygon or line
- selectStateLong - The entire state name (as opposed to the abbreviation) of the center of the selected polygon or line
- selectTownship - the township name of the center of the selected polygon or line.
- Time Variables
- nowDate - populates the current date
- nowDateTime -
- mapTimeZoneTime
- mapTimeZoneAbbr
- mapTimeZoneName
- localTimeZoneAbbr
- cropYear - pulls the crop year that was selected with the client
- fieldId - the name that has been assigned to the saved border on the map
- companyName - the current Locations or if there is no locations setup, then it is the name on the Company Profile page
- companyAddress - the company location's first address line or if there is no locations setup, then it is the first address line on the Company Profile page
- companyAddress2 - the user location's second address line or if there is no locations setup, then it is the second address line on the Company Profile page
- companyCity - the user location's City or if there is no locations setup, then it is the city on the Company Profile page
- companyState - the user location's State or if there is no locations setup, then it is the state on the Company Profile page
- companyZip - the company location's Zip code or if there is no locations setup, then it is the zip code on the Company Profile page
- companyPhone - the company location's phone number or if there is no locations setup, then it is the phone number on the Company Profile page
- companyEmail - the email address as seen in the company profile.
- companyCoiuntry - the country as seen in the company profile.
- locationEmail - the email address as setup in the location profile.
- Crop List - this will list previous crops saved within this field boundary.
- Cropscape List - the list of crops including the percentage within the selected boundary
- clientFirst - the selected client's First Name
- clientName - The selected client's Last/Business Name
- clientAddress - The selected client's 1st Address line
- clientAddress2 - The selected client's 2nd Address line
- clientCity - The selected client's City
- clientState - The selected client's State
- clientZip - The selected client's Zip Code
- clientPhone - The selected client's phone number
- accountNumber - The account number that is in the client records
- FarmNames - Shows the farm name of the saved field.
- hailYear - Shows a list of available Hail History years. Typically used within a Drop Down List to control the Hail History grid.
See Also: