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Generate a Paradigm from selections in the Form Manager
Modified on 2016/07/12 17:08
Categorized as
Form Manager (Manage All Forms)
Dossier Studio
Add a Paradigm (Group of different Map Types) to the Dossier via Drawing or Selection on the map
Add a Map, Form or Report to the Dossier Studio
Create a Custom Paradigm for your company.
Dossier Media Studio - Add Symbols and Pictures to maps in the Dossier Studio
Dossier Export To PDF and Email As PDF
Import and use your own SVG Symbols for annotation within the Dossier Studio
Upload and Geo-tag a picture file within Surety® Pro
How to use the Marker and Polygon drawing tools within the Dossier Studio
Add an Overview Page to the Dossier
Email Report, Form, or Map as a PDF
Form Manager (Manage All Forms)
Dossier Studio
Add a Paradigm (Group of different Map Types) to the Dossier via Drawing or Selection on the map
Add a Map, Form or Report to the Dossier Studio
Create a Custom Paradigm for your company.
Dossier Media Studio - Add Symbols and Pictures to maps in the Dossier Studio
Dossier Export To PDF and Email As PDF
Import and use your own SVG Symbols for annotation within the Dossier Studio
Upload and Geo-tag a picture file within Surety® Pro
How to use the Marker and Polygon drawing tools within the Dossier Studio
Add an Overview Page to the Dossier
Email Report, Form, or Map as a PDF
How to Add AgriData email to your Safe list or Contact list
Generate a Paradigm from selections in the Form Manager
How to Add AgriData email to your Safe list or Contact list
Generate a Paradigm from selections in the Form Manager
Create packets of maps quickly from your previously saved form's borders in Surety® Pro using the Paradigm options within the
Form Manager
. Paradigms are designated groups of maps that can be created and added to the
Dossier Studio
with one or more boundary/form record selections.
(Find the main tutorial on the
Add a Paradigm to the Dossier
First open your Form Manager (you can be at the client, location or company level.)
There are multiple Paradigm options to use depending on your desired outcome. When selecting a paradigm, it will create those maps for each of the records selected in the Form Manager. Let's run through an example to see how this works.
Select 2 or more records in your saved form list. (preferably for 2 or more different fields)
Then click on the Paradigm button to bring up the available options.
Any of the options can be used from within the Form Manager (See:
Add a Paradigm to the Dossier
) but we are specifically going over the ones that can
be used within the Forms Manager.
These include:
Form Manager View + Saved Form
Form Manager View + Saved Form + FSA Map
Form manager View + Saved Form + FSA + Soils + Topo
Saved Form
All of the above options essentially do the same thing, they just add additional maps.
The "Saved Form" option is to be used to simply send the selected saved forms into the Dossier Studio as is.
The rest of the Paradigm options package different maps for each selected form boundary along with the saved form record.
Form Manager View
" refers to the reproduction of the exact map (minus the aerial imagery) that is shown when the the Form Manager is open at the time that Paradigm is clicked. Using this functionality the map can be changed by filtering and modifying the results within the Form Manager as well as use the Zoom tools in order to get the map to a desired size and look before creating and sending a paradigm that contains a "Form Manager View" map to the Dossier.
A simple example is if you wanted to only show the records that you have selected in the Form Manager within the "Form Manager View" map. Just check the
Only Show Selected
box to remove all other records from the Form Manager and the map then click
Zoom To Results
to center your map on the checked records.
Now click the Paradigm button and then select
Form Manager View + Saved Form + FSA + Soil + Topo
After a brief loading screen, each selected saved form will be added to the Dossier Studio along with a FSA Map, Soil Map, and Topography Map for each of the saved form boundaries.
The Overview Map will contain the Form Manager View.
Save the packet of maps as a Dossier from the File Drop Down
To Print or save, create a PDF document by hovering over Export> To PDF
Related Pages:
How do I add a map report or form to the Dossier?
How do I create a Paradigm to generate multiple reports/maps at once?
How do I build and save my company's own custom Paradigm?
How do I add symbols and pictures to the map within the Dossier?
How do I save the maps and forms built within the Dossier to a PDF packet?
How do I import my own symbols to use in the Dossier?
How do I import an image (geotagged or otherwise) and add it to my maps?
How can I draw shapes or lines on the report or form within the Dossier?
How to add an Overview Map to the Dossier
For immediate assistance contact AgriData support.
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FM Paradigm 10.png
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