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This page covers the basics in generating a Paradigm within Surety®.
A Paradigm is a shortcut of sorts to quickly send 1 or more different maps using a selected or drawn boundary on the map or within the Form Manager to the Dossier Studio.

Generate a Paradigm using selected or drawn boundaries.

We will start with the basic steps of adding multiple reports/maps to the Dossier by using a drawing on the map and using one of the default Paradigm options.

Draw or select your boundary and click the Paradigm link underneath the Favorites link.


The pop-up contains a list of different Paradigms to choose from. Every Surety Pro subscription has a list options available to them that are already setup. This is also where any custom Paradigms would appear if setup by the company administrator. 

The top 2 and bottom 2 options are: 
  • FSA + Soils  (FSA Map and Soils Map)
  • FSA + Soils + Topo (FSA Map, Soils Map, and Topography Map)
  • FSA (FSA Map)
  • FSA + Soils + Topo Hillshade (FSA Map, Soils Map, and Topo Hillshade Map)

These can be used with any type of boundary selection whether it is a drawn or selected border on the map or a form selection made in the Form Manager.  


These 4 options are strictly for use with selections made within the Form Manager.

  • Form Manager View + Saved Form
  • Form Manager View + Saved Form + FSA map
  • Form Manager View + Saved Form + FSA + Soil + Topo
  • Saved Form


For more information on how to use a Paradigm from within the Form Manager, visit the Creating Paradigms from the Form Manager page.

Once you have clicked on one of the top two Paradigms, the Dossier Studio will open in either a new window or a new tab depending on your specific browser settings.


In the left hand panel of the Dossier, the Table of Contents is located with each of the map/forms listed. Click on any of them to load it in the main center panel.


It is possible to add more maps to the dossier while still keeping the ones already in there. Without closing the Dossier tab or window, click back to the "Surety Mapping System" tab. 


Select or draw the next boundary and then click on the Paradigm link again to open up the list of Paradigms that you can generate for this new boundary. 


Again, select your desired Paradigm


This time the Dossier Studio will not automatically open as you should still have it opened up in a background tab or window. Find and open the Dossier Studio. 


You will notice that there will now be another set of maps listed in the Table Of Contents. 


Rearrange any of the maps in the Table of Contents by clicking and dragging them up or down in the list. 


Click on the Map name to edit the title of it. Hit enter on your keyboard to apply the change.


This will also update the title on the Map itself for all read-only maps (FSA Map, Soils Map, Topography Map, etc.) as well as on the "Aerial" and "Aerial with GPA" application forms.


Once you have added all of the maps that you want, you can add an Overview Map to show all the maps boundaries on one map.

Click the down arrow above the Table of Contents and click Add Overview Page


The Add Overview Map option page will open allowing the choice of which type of map to display all of the borders on. To create a map that will automatically remove the background imagery to clearly show the relation of the different borders, you can choose the OverView Map from the Map drop down.


Type in a whole number to add a buffer extent to the map then click insert map.
 Note: if picking a different map such as the FSA Map from the Map drop down, you can determine which individual layers will show on the map.


The Overview Map will be placed at the bottom of the Table of Contents and will display all of the boundaries that were contained in the rest of the maps added to the Dossier.


From here these specific maps can be saved in this state by clicking on the File  drop down in the Menu and then click Save Dossier.  


Give a name for this specific Dossier and click Save  


To Save or Print these Maps, click Export from the drop down menu and then choose To PDF. Once clicked it will be placed in your downloads folder or your browser will prompt you to save or open the file. 


Discover the full potential use of the Paradigms by visiting the Creating Paradigms from the Form Manager page.

Learn how company administrators can create a custom Paradigm that will generate a unique set of maps by visiting the Create a Custom Paradigm for your company page.

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