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Add a Map, Form or Report to the Dossier Studio

Modified on 2016/05/10 21:09 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
The most basic ability of the Dossier Studio is to add or send any map, report, or Form that you have generated to a new or currently opened Dossier.

Skip to > How to Add a Saved Form to the Dossier Studio

This is easily done using the Dossier Studio button after generating a Map, Report, Form, or Saved Form.
Note: For this method, the Printing setting within the Options Page needs to be set to "Print Maps From a Webpage"

The following walk-through is for adding individual maps to the Dossier, you can also add multiple maps to the Dossier Studio at once using Paradigms

Add a new map, report, or Form to the Dossier

First generate a Map, Report, or Form from your Surety® Pro account.


**If generating a form, fill the contents of the form out before proceeding.
Once done editing the map or form, click the Dossier Studio button to the right.


If you do not have a Dossier Studio window or Tab currently open, then one will automatically open and add the map to it.


Alternatively, if you have a Dossier Studio window or tab open, then the current map, report or form will be added to the Table of Contents of the open Dossier Studio at the bottom of the current list. Hint: Click and drag the Table of Contents item up or down to rearrange the order.

Remember to keep the Dossier Studio open if you need to add more maps or forms to the packet!

Adding a previously saved form to the Dossier Studio

You can add a previously saved form to the Dossier in a couple different ways.

The first option is used if you need to make any changes to the text fields within the form.

Open the Form either through the Form Manager or by selecting it and opening it from the map.
(See: How to Find, Open, and Modify an already Saved Form)

Open saved form by selecting it on the map and clicking on the form type

Open saved form by selecting it on the map and clicking on the form type

Open saved form by selecting it on the map and opening the Form Manager

Open saved form by selecting it on the map and opening the Form Manager

Then make your changes and click the Dossier Studio button to send it to the Dossier Studio.


The second method is for when you do not need to make any changes to the text fields within the saved form.
Simply find and check one or more saved forms within the Form Manager


Then from the Paradigm drop down, click on the Saved Form link.


All saved forms that were checked will now be added to the Dossier.


From here you can File>Save Dossier to save it as a packet within Surety Pro in order to come back to it later

FileSave Dossier

File>Save Dossier

and/or Export>To PDF to create a pdf document containing all of the pages within the Table of Contents.

Export  To PDF

Export > To PDF

Related Pages:

For further assistance contact AgriData support.



  Name Size
- Add Map 00.png 7.24 KB
- Add Map 01-1.jpeg 38.48 KB
- Add Map 01.jpeg 33.37 KB
- Add Map 02.jpg 119.51 KB
- Add Map 03.jpg 79.31 KB
- Add Map 04.png 9.09 KB
- Add Map 05.png 8.28 KB
- Add Map 06.jpg 119.70 KB
- Add Map 07.png 115.82 KB
- Add Map 08.png 23.79 KB
- Add Map 10.jpg 33.17 KB
- Add Map 11.png 19.00 KB
- Add Map 12.png 21.39 KB

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