How to Print an Aerial Map (FSA Map)

Modified on 2014/06/30 22:44 by Adam — Categorized as: Uncategorized

One of the main reasons Surety® Online Customized Mapping Software is loved is for its ability to generate and print Aerial Maps quickly and easily.

The first thing you need to do is Locate your Area of Interest (AOI) by either using the search function or manually zooming into the map.

See Also:


Once your AOI is found then you can select one or more existing FSA field borders (See: Select Tool), draw your own border (See: Drawing Tool), or simply generate an Aerial map without any borders highlighted.

For this example, I am going to use the select tool on the left hand panel.

Left click in the existing FSA border you want highlighted.


Click the FSA map button on the right hand panel.


This will generate a map that you can then Print, save, or email.

Note: you are able to edit the words Aerial Map at the top of the page by just placing your mouse cursor in the text box,deleting the existing letters and typing in your own wording.

Next click on Print Page button.


A print dialog box will appear.


Choose your desired settings and click print.


You can also set the displayed border colors on the map to be optimized for black and white printing. See: Options Page