Get Weather Integration

Modified on 2020/12/16 22:57 by Adam — Categorized as: Features

Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Temperature, and Cloud Cover

Automatically populate weather information including Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Temperature, and Cloud Cover within the Application Log section of a Chemical, Aerial, Aerial with GPA, Dicamba Application, or custom form. The data is based on the Date of Application and Start and End Times that are entered on the forms. This functionality is available for both Surety and Surety Pro subscriptions.

Start by generating a new or existing Chemical, Aerial, or Aerial with GPA.

Locate the logs area on the bottom of the form and either select a log file or manually fill in the Application Date and the Start and End Times.
Note: The start and end times must be within the same day and cannot go past midnight. If the log spans multiple days, manually set the timeframe most appropriate for grabbing weather data from.


Click Get Weather and the Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, and Cloud cover will all populate.
Note: The weather data is only available within 60 days of the current date and not available for the current date.



"Get Weather" can also populate a Humidity percentage value when added to a custom form or map. Contact AgriData, Inc Support to add this to your existing custom for or to create a new custom form for your company.


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