Draw Air Route

Modified on 2015/08/04 15:26 by Adam — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The Draw Air Route tool is for Aerial applicator pilots that want to access their Surety Pro account in their cockpit and use it as a guidance device for navigating from field to field or waypoint to waypoint. A calculation of the bearing and distance from your current location will be shown as the waypoints are cycled from one to the next.

Using this tool requires a Surety Pro account and a mobile device with cell service and GPS capability. 

Using the Draw Air Route drawing tool

The Draw Air Route Tool has the same drawing process as the Draw Line tool does except when finished Surety Pro will display a separate pop-up that shows information regarding the heading, distance and waypoint number.

The Draw Air Route tool is located in the Drawing panel.


Left click in order the waypoints that you would like to set.

Click to set order and placement of waypoints

Click to set order and placement of waypoints

Double click the last waypoint in order to end the designated route.

Double-Click to End Route

Double-Click to End Route

If you do not have the My Location option enabled, your device may ask to for you to share your location. This is so the browser can place your current location on the map.

Select the appropriate option to allow the use of your location.

Different location share notifications for the different internet browsers

Different location share notifications for the different internet browsers

The map will zoom to your location and an Air Route Dialog will appear on the map to calculate the Bearing and distance to the first waypoint.


A blue line on the map determines the projected path to the currently selected waypoint.


Once you reach the first waypoint, you are then to click on the Next button to calculate the bearing and distance to the next waypoint.


Once you have cycled through all of the waypoints click Finish to remove the route indication from the map.


Note that you can cycle back to a previous waypoint at any time before clicking Finish.


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