4 Year Crop History Map
Modified on 2016/02/19 15:27 by Adam — Categorized as: Uncategorized
Crop History Map
contains four individual maps that show four separate years of crop history. Below each map is a legend will that contains the top three types of vegetation within the boundaries and what color each of those vegetation types are represented with.
First we MUST select or draw a boundary to open the Crop History form from the list.
The year above the maps can be changed. Once a year is typed into the upper left selection, all other years will repopulate automatically and the maps and legends will reload.
If a year does not contain any data, the form will load a blank map and prompt a
"No Data for 20XX"
in the legend.
Once the form is the way you want it, use the desired option(s) to the right to save print or email this map.
The data in the Crop History layer is gathered from Cropland data layer created by the USDA - National Agricultural Statistics Service's CropScape Program.
For more information visit:
CropScape - Cropland Data Layer. (2015). In National Agricultural Statistics Service., from https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/
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Surety® Customized Online Mapping Features
Maps, Reports, and Forms in Surety®
Crop History Layer