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Manage Logo

Modified on 2024/04/12 21:55 by Adam Categorized as Menu Bar
The Manage Logo Tool will allow you to add your logo to all of the different forms and reports generated in Surety®

Click to play the video below. You can enlarge the video and change the video quality to accommodate your internet bandwidth in the lower right hand corner of the video player after the video has started.


From the Tools drop down go to Options > Manage Logo


The first thing that is listed is Force Company Logo.

This is an option for multi-user accounts. When selected force commpany logo will apply the same logo to all users in their company. Otherwise if it is not selected, each user can upload their own logo to be used.


Click on browse,



Locate your company's logo and click open



It will bring you back to the Manage Logo page with your logo location populated - click save


Your logo will be previewed under Current logo.


Click "Done" to return to map or click "Other Options" button brings you to the Options Page.


  Name Size
- Logo1.jpg 43.35 KB
- Logo2.jpg 45.34 KB
- Logo3.jpg 77.47 KB
- Logo4.jpg 48.29 KB
- Logo5.jpg 50.24 KB
- logomanage1.jpg 21.31 KB
- Manage Logo Menu Item.png 8.54 KB
- Manage Logo-Force Logo.jpg 52.56 KB
- managelogo.PNG 22.34 KB
- managelogo2.PNG 26.32 KB
- option1.jpg 13.61 KB
- option2.jpg 22.47 KB
- options.PNG 30.09 KB
- options4.jpg 42.96 KB
- UploadLogo.JPG 51.66 KB

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