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The Symbols layer is available for both Surety and Surety Pro subscriptions. It allows users to place and edit a list of predefined shapes onto the map for annotation. These symbols are temporary and will not retain on the map once a new mapping session is started.

In addition to the default symbols available, any drawing can be converted into a symbol to allow a the properties to be used. Any polygon converted will not retain acre values. See: Convert Drawing to Symbol for the how-to.

Place A Symbol on the Map

Click on the Symbols button in the left hand panel to view all available symbols.


Click on a symbol you would like to place on the map.


Left click the map to place the symbol on the desired location. 


Reposition/Edit the Symbol

In order to move the symbol around the map, left click and hold on the symbol then drag it where you would like to place it. Release the left click once the symbol is in the desired location. 


Left click once on the placed symbol to bring up the properties menu.


You can change the Rotation, Scale, Border Color, Border Width and Fill Color with the appropriate fields and color boxes.

The rotation is by degrees. If 180 is entered, the symbol will flip upside-down.

Once the desired changes are made, click the Update button to view the changes without closing the properties window.


Click Save to make any changes and close the Properties box.

Click Cancel to close the Properties box without saving changes.

Delete will Delete the symbol from the map.


Set Default Styles for the Symbols

A symbol's properties can be saved as the default style for your login so it can be quickly duplicated when more instances of that symbol are added to the map.

Within a particular symbol's properties window, set the desired properties to be used as the default and then click the "Set as Default Style" link.


The properties window will close and the symbol on the map and in the Symbol panel will update with the new style. Now when using that particular symbol, the style will default to what has been set.
Note: The default rotation will not be represented within the Symbol panel icon.


Delete Symbol from the map

Note: Make sure the Symbols layer is still selected in the left hand panel.

Symbols can be deleted in 3 different ways.

1. Hover the mouse cursor over the symbol that you want deleted so a red bounding box appears. Without clicking your mouse, press the delete key on the keyboard and it will remove the symbol.

2. Another way to remove or delete the symbol is to click on the symbol to bring up the properties window and click on the delete button. 

3. The third way is to delete all the symbols at once. Simply click the trash icon underneath the symbols button.


Note: Symbols act like labels in that once the account is logged out the symbol will be cleared for the next session

See Also:

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