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Add Surrounding Crops to the Map

Modified on 2015/05/12 22:25 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
Surrounding Crops is an exclusive feature for Surety Pro subscriptions. Use it to quickly document crops that surround the selected border. This feature is especially helpful for Chemical Applicators. They can use it to have a constant reminder to be aware of over spray on a potential sensitive crop or area. The convenience of the quickly adding to this layer directly from an application form's map makes it a feature that is easy and quick to use.

Below is an example of what a map could look like when using the Surrounding Crop layer to color and label the map.
Surrounding Crop Example

Surrounding Crop Example

Setup of the Surrounding Crop Layer

The purpose of the Surrounding Crop layer is to be able to quickly add areas on a generated form or map before printing or saving. In order to achieve efficiency the first thing that needs to be done is to setup the visual representation of the surrounding crops layer so it looks the desired way. In order to do this we must create a surrounding crop record to setup from the main map.

Select or draw a field that you want to have a surrounding crop record for, then choose surrounding crop from the right panel. (If it is not in the list, click Show Hidden to bring it up.) 


This will bring up a small entry window that contains a drop down of all the crop types you have previously entered. If there is no items in the drop down, click the pencil icon to add one or more crop types to the list. See: How to add, delete, and modify Form lists. (ie clients, crops, products, ect.)


Once you have added crops to the list or if you already had a crop list to select from, choose one of the crops and click Save


Now that we have a Surrounding Crop Record, we can setup the layer so it can visually look how we want it. Click the Layers button and find the Form Layer called SurroundingCrop and click on it to open the layer properties.


Note: if SurroundingCrop form is not in your favorites list, then it will be located under the More Custom Layers Group


Setup the layer to the Surrounding Crops so it will appear how you want. See: Form Layers for more help on this step.


After clicking Save the layer is now setup to use within a form.

Adding a Surrounding Crop from within a Form

Create your work order of form by selecting or drawing a field and clicking on the desired map-based form or report option in the right panel.


Once the form opens, left click on the map in the surrounding field that requires labeling.

Note: when clicking on the map in the form, the FSA border will be selected if it exists, if no FSA boundary is available in the area, a default polygon will be created from an existing FSA boundary or if no FSA boundary exists, then a default square will be placed on the map. 


A popup dialog will appear asking to select the crop name. If the crop name you desire is not in the drop-down list, then click on the pencil edit button to the right of the text box.


Now click on the plus (+) button to bring up the entry form then click save once you have typed the crop name in.


Exit the grid view by clicking on the x


Now select the desired crop from the drop-down.


Click Save


The surrounding crop will now appear on the Map within the form.


Keep adding surrounding crops to the map by clicking on the map and repeating the process.

Delete a Surrounding Crop

There are 3 different ways to delete a Surrounding Crop Record from the map.

1. Remove the Surrounding Crop record directly from the generated Form.

With a form open, left click on the surrounding crop record that is intended to be deleted.


A dialog will come up to confirm the removal of the Surrounding Crop record.


2. Remove the Surrounding Crop Record from the main map.

Using the select tool > left click in the Surrounding Crop border > then click Surrounding Crop.


The system will prompt you if you would like to create a new record or edit a previously created record. Choose to edit the previously created record.


Click Delete


3. Remove or delete 1 or more surrounding crop records using the Forms Manager.

While in the appropriate client, click Edit Forms or Tools>Manage All Forms


Either select the surrounding Crop on the Map with the select tool or place a check in the correct check boxes then click the Delete Selected button.


Click OK to confirm.


See Also:

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