When creating application reports you may have seen a pencil icon appear in some of the text fields that you are filling in. This indicates that a list can be created for that particular field.
A "list" allows you to keep a record list of a particular item that can then be selected from a drop down instead of being manually typed into the text box on the form. This method helps maintain consistency between form records and saves time entering data.
List data will save to one of two places in multi-license accounts, if your account has Locations setup then the list data will be available to any team member login assigned to the same location. If your account does not locations, then all Team Member logins will be able to access the data.
Adding items to a list
A creating a list will allow you to quickly select an item from a drop down that you instead of manually typing in the information into the field every time you generate a report.
1. Open an application report - I will be using the Chemical application report but the steps are the same for every application report.
2. Find a field that has a list (ie. Crop:) and click on the pencil to open the List contents.
3. Click on the plus button to add an entry to the list.
4. Fill the fields with the required information.
5. Click save.
6. Repeat adding as items as many times as you desire. When you are done click the x button in the top right corner of the list box.
7. Click in the field that we just made a list for. There will now be a drop-down list of all the items that were entered.
Any connected information will auto-populate when the choice is selected. Modify items in a list
1. Click on the pencil in field containing a list.
2. select the entry that you wish to change.
3. Click on the pencil icon.
4. Modify all fields that you want and click save.
Delete items from a list
Click the pencil button in the field containing a list.
1.Select the entry you would like to delete.
2. Click the trash icon.
3. A confirmation message will appear. Click ok.
4. Item is now deleted from the list.
Lists containing over 100 entries
If a list 100+ entries, then the drop down will not appear until it is narrowed down by starting to type in the field.
Product List
The Product list contains more entries then most other lists. This gives a user more options on how much to enter into the list and how much data pulls into an application form when that product is selected.
Open any form with the product list ( Aerial, Chemical, Scout, etc. ) and click on the edit pencil icon.
 Click the Pencil icon to edit list contents. |
Either create a new record with the plus (+) button or click an existing record and then the pencil icon to modify it.
 Add a new record or modify an existing one. |
Notice that there are now 2 new areas to document the Rate and Rate Unit as well as the Price and Price-Per-unit Unit.
Note: Currently there are no standard forms within Surety that use the Cost fields. If you would like to incorporate the cost field within your form, then please contact AgriData, Inc. and we can place it into your own custom form modification.
Once you have filled out the desired information click save.
Go back to your form and select a product that now has as default rate assigned. It will auto calculate the total product needed based on the mapped acres.
See also: