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Shortcut keys for Surety

Modified on 2014/08/13 18:57 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
Here is a list of shortcut keys that offer a faster and more efficient way to perform tedious functions. Some of these you can utilize in Surety and 

most all others are applicable in everyday use of using a computer (these shortcut keys only apply to windows based machines).

If you are looking for shortcut keys for use in Surety Pro's Forms Designer Visit the FormsDesigner - Shortcut Keys page instead.

Shortcut keys that can be used while you are logged in Surety or Surety Pro Custom Online Mapping.

Shift+Arrow Key:  up, down, left, right will move a selected field drawing (polygon) or pivot by four pixels at a time See also: Drawing

Arrows Key: up, down, left, right will move a selected irrigated field boundary drawing (polygon) or pivot by one pixel See also: Pivot

Delete (DEL): Delete a selected drawing, pivot See also: Features

F5: Refresh is used to refresh your window See also: Troubleshooting

CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu

TAB: Move to the next control in the dialog box

SHIFT+TAB: Move to the previous control in the dialog box

ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs

ALT will unhide the web browser's Menu Bar temporarily

CTRL+A: Select all the items in the current window

CTRL+P Starts the print manager

CTRL+C: Copy


CTRL+V: Paste

CTRL+Z: Undo

CTRL+B: Bold

CTRL+U: Underline

CTRL+I: Italic

ALT+TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)

Windows Logo: Start menu

Windows Logo+E: Windows Explorer

Windows Logo+F: Find files or folders

SPACEBAR: If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option.

ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline)

ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button

Article ID: 126449 - Last Review: September 23, 2011 - Revision: 5.0

View More Shortcut Keys Source: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/126449, Retrieved (15 November 2012)

  Name Size
- flagkey.JPG 15.53 KB

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