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Saving Forms with Surety® Pro

Modified on 2022/03/02 20:21 by Adam Categorized as Map or Form, Surety Pro Features

Generate a form

Choose a Client by clicking on the client box in the upper right corner to access the client drop down. If a client needs to be added to the list, click on the Pencil button to add new clients. See also: How to add, modify or delete clients in Surety Pro..

Choose a client or click the pencil to add a new client record to select.

Choose a client or click the pencil to add a new client record to select.

You will be taken to the client border view that will display all of the saved borders, forms, log files and custom layers for that particular client if the respective layers are enabled. 


Either click the map to zoom down to the border that you would like to use or select a saved border's farm name and field ID from the drop-down in the right hand panel. See: Saving Borders In Surety® Pro

If you decide to use the Farm Name/Field ID drop down selection, then first you can choose a Farm Name if required.

Place your caret in the Farm Name field to choose an existing Farm Name.

Place your caret in the Farm Name field to choose an existing Farm Name.

Then choose a Field ID. Boundaries assigned with the chosen Farm Name & Field ID will appear with a Cyan border indicating that they have been selected.

It is also possible to use the Select Tool and select 1 or more fields to generate a form for. 

Chose a Farm Name.

Chose a Farm Name.

Lastly, click on your desired form that you would like to generate. Depending on the form template, certain aspects such as the Client Name, Farm Name, and Field ID will auto-populate within the form. For example the Field ID will fill in automatically on most application forms. For demonstration purposes, We will select the Seed form. 

Maps and Reports are located in the right hand panel.

Maps and Reports are located in the right hand panel.

Modifying and saving the form

Below is the Seed Form. Fill in any desired blank in the form. Most forms contain lists which supply you with a drop down of entries that you have entered into a form. Status and Crop are examples of list entries.

Seed Report

Seed Report

Before or after saving the form you can change the way the map looks. You can change the border color and font of the acres label with the Map Options button. You can also change the border on the map for this form by clicking on the Edit Field(s) button.

Edit the form's map

Edit the form's map

When you are ready to save the form, click on any of the following buttons: Save Form, View PDF, Email PDF, Save PDF, or Print. After which you will see a message that will fade in and fade out on its own that the save was successful.

Edit the form's map

Edit the form's map

Now, we will close the form by clicking the close button.

Seed Report

Seed Report


Upon clicking the close button, if you haven't saved or if you have made any changes to the form since the last save, you will be prompted to save your Form (this is a safe guard if you will that was put in place to assist clients with ensuring that they don't forget to save changes to the forms).

Here you can either click the OK button to save the report or click the Cancel button to just close the form.


Fields with saved forms will appear with a blue hatching by default if that the Form's Layer Properties have not been changed.


Open a saved form

There are multiple ways to reopen a form after it has been saved.

You can access the Forms Manager by going to Tools > Manage All Forms in the Surety Menu Bar.


or click Form Manager in the right hand panel.

Edit Reports

Edit Reports


The Forms Manager will open and allow you to choose which form that you want to reopen.

Forms Manager will open

Forms Manager will open


Another way to edit a form is to select a field that has a form saved to it and click on that Form in the list to open a selection box that you can use to open the last saved instance of that form on the field or create a new version.

Here we will place a selection 'X' on the field that we want to open the saved Seed form on. Then click the Seed button in the right panel.

Forms Manager will open

Forms Manager will open


To open the last saved form, click Edit Seed last modified choice.

Forms Manager will open

Forms Manager will open


The saved form will open and allow you to modify and save changes or delete the form entirely.


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