Productivity Index (PI) is available in North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota. The productivity index (PI) model is a derived measure of soil productivity. The basic assumption of the PI model is that crop yield is a function of root development, which in turn is controlled by the soil environment.
NRCS Developed
The Productivity Index provides a relative ranking of productivity that ranges from 0-100 with 100 being the best. For a specific area, the highest producing soil is assigned a rating of 100 and then all other soils are assigned a value accordingly based on their comparative soil properties.
These ratings are for non-irrigated commodity crop production.
North Dakota bases it's productivity index on the crop Hard Red Spring Wheat.
It assumes a high level of management by the grower.
The values are supported by long term yield data that has been collected via the North Dakota State University Extension plots.
Soil properties were used to array the soils relative to the known yield of the soils that were present on the plots.
The Productivity Index Values are available in the Surety Online Mapping Soils Maps.
.png) Productivity Index for North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota Soil |
Wade Bott, NRCS North Dakota State Soil Scientist. Personal Email communication with AgriData, Inc. 4/28/2015
See Also: