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Location Select
Modified on 2018/10/10 17:46
Categorized as
Grant Location Access to Surety Pro Users
Locations - Create, Manage and Assign locations to Team Members
Forms Designer - Form Properties
Selecting, Creating, Editing, and Deleting Clients in Surety® Pro
Surety® Pro Features
Layers Panel
Surety® Customized Online Mapping Features
Grant Location Access to Surety Pro Users
Locations - Create, Manage and Assign locations to Team Members
Forms Designer - Form Properties
Selecting, Creating, Editing, and Deleting Clients in Surety® Pro
Surety® Pro Features
Layers Panel
Surety® Customized Online Mapping Features
Major and Minor Roads Layers
Location Select
Major and Minor Roads Layers
Location Select
The location select tool allows Surety
Pro Administrators and Surety
Pro Team Members* to access any location and in turn any client in their company's profile.
* Surety
Pro non-admins need to be granted access to select a location in their user profile. See:
Grant Location Access to Surety Pro Team Members
Note: You must have more than one location setup for your company in order to change between locations. See:
Locations are a way of dividing a company's database. Each location has its own set of clients and information. Custom forms and layers can also be set to appear only in specific locations. (See:
Forms Designer - Form Properties)
Accessing a different location database within Surety Pro
Once logged into the Surety Pro account that has Location access, simply click on the location box under the Company Name to access a drop-down with available locations to select.
After the location selection, the client list that is saved within that location will be available.
You are now accessing that location's account and can view saved clients, forms, borders, and lists associated with that location.
Create/Delete/Edit Locations
Click the Pencil Icon next to the Location selection box to access the Edit Locations page.
From here either
Select A Location
from the list to edit\delete or
Add A New Location
to add a location to the list.
For more information visit our
Locations - Create, Manage and Assign locations to Team Members
support page.
See Also:
Grant Location Access to Surety Pro Users
Edit Locations
Creating, Editing, and Deleting Clients in Surety® Pro
Surety® Pro Features
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