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Locations - Create, Manage and Assign locations to Team Members
Modified on 2022/04/20 22:45
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Locations - Create, Manage and Assign locations to Team Members
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Locations - Create, Manage and Assign locations to Team Members
Create locations if your Team Members need separate lists for clients, chemicals, fertilizers, etc. After creating locations a user's location may be changed on the user profile page.
Locations can also have different company information such as name, address, phone, and logo attached to it. This information will show up in the company information spots when in the application forms. If using a different logo, make sure the
Company Logo Only
setting is off in the Company profile page. File>Edit Profile> Company Profile. (only available to Surety & Surety Pro Administrators - See:
Company Profile
For Surety Pro Administrators and basic team members, the location set to their profile will be their default location but they can access other locations by selecting them when choosing their client. See
Grant Location Access to Surety Pro Users
In order to setup a new location a team member must have
administrator access
Create and Assign Locations
Navigate to the Admin tab on the Surety Menu bar and left click on Subscription Manager
Once the Subscription Manager is open click on the Locations icon (globe) and select
Add a New Location
from the Drop Down
Fill out the Location information and hit
Once you have added your location you can edit any location information by clicking on the Location Icon again and selecting
Manage Locations
All created locations will be listed out. Active locations are green while deactivated locations are red.
Deactivate any active location by clicking on the red X.
Activate any deactivated location by clicking on the blue plus button.
Edit any location information by clicking on the ellipses.
Assign a Team Member to a Location
Once your locations are setup it is simple to assign the different Team Members in the company to different locations.
Open the Subscription Manager and click on the ellipses next for the Team Member that you want to assign a specific location.
Use the Location drop down to select from the list of created Locations then click Save.
You can also allow a Team Member access to other locations (applicable to Surety Pro Team Members only)
Simply activate the
All Locations
setting in the Edit Team Member Page by placing a check mark next to it.
This will allow the Location to be selected prior to choosing a client from the main map interface.
See Also:
Grant Location Access to Surety Pro Users
Subscription Studio
activate location.png
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Add New Location -SM.png
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Manage Locations Drop -SM.png
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SM Drop -SM.png
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