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Starting with the 2014 soil data release, the NRCS|USDA have excluded Iowa crop yield information from their SSURGO soils database. We have made these crop yields available with Surety and Surety Pro by adding the ISPAID data from Iowa State University to Soil Map grid.

The Iowa ISPAID data can be viewed side by side with the IOWA CSR/CSR2 values.

Enable the data on the soil map template by first enabling the data from the Soils Report Options page. Access this page by going to Tools > Options > Soil Report Options from the drop down menu above the mapping interface.


Click on the Iowa ISPAID tab and then click on the desired crop Yields to enable.


Also available from the ISPAID database is the Average Water Holding Capacity.


Save and return to the map. Generate a Soil map in Iowa and you can see the information included in the soils table. The columns that contain the data will be labeled with a *i in the heading.


See Also:


  Name Size
- ISPAID.png 150.34 KB
- ISPAIDSoilsOptions.png 30.38 KB
- ISPAIDSoilsOptions2.jpg 444.16 KB
- ISPAIDSoilsOptions2.png 529.07 KB
- ISPAIDWaterHolding.png 28.64 KB
- OptionsDrop.png 21.02 KB

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