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In this section the basic functions in Surety® Pro of creating a client and saving boundary records to that client will be explained.

Upon logging in, only a portion of the full list of maps are available to choose. This is because many of the forms are able to be saved as records within the Surety Pro system and they require a "Client" record to be selected to save them under.

Options available when no client is selected.

Options available when no client is selected.


To enable additional forms and features, select a client. To select a client, click on the Client box in the right hand panel of the interface to access the available clients saved within your account.

Select a client by clicking the Client textbox.

Select a client by clicking the Client textbox.

If the drop down is blank, then at least one client needs to be added. Click on the pencil icon to begin adding client names to your database. 
Note: The term "Client" does not have to be an actual client in the classic definition. It is simply a common term that Surety and Surety Pro uses to be able to organize saved records.

Click the pencil to edit the client list.

Click the pencil to edit the client list.


To add a client, click the plus(+) button to add a record. Note: Once a client is added, then that client will be available so there will be no need to continually add the same client each time
See also: How to add, modify or delete clients in Surety Pro..

Click the plus(+)

Click the plus(+)


Now the Add Records window will open. Last/Business name is the only required field. However, the information that is added here can populate within a form if desired. Click the Submit button to save the record.

Add Record Window

Add Record Window


Close the "Edit Clients" window by clicking on the X in the top right hand corner.

Click the

Click the "X" to Close the Edit Clients Window


Now you can choose your client by clicking it in the Client drop down.

Choose a client

Choose a client


The Crop Year separates the client database. This allows for a different set of boundaries to be saved to different years.

The Crop Year will automatically be set to the current year upon login. To change it, simply retype the desired year. For more information see our Crop Year support page.


After the client is selected, the map will begin to refresh to load the boundaries and form records saved to this client's record.

Once loaded other forms, reports, and features will become available.

All maps/forms appear once the client is selected.

All maps/forms appear once the client is selected.

To begin adding maps to this new client The first step is to locate the desired boundaries and then start saving them to the Borders layer.
To position and zoom the map extent to a field view, left click or tap the desired location on the map or use the Search button in the right hand panel.
See also: Search (Navigate the online map by Legal Description, Latitude and Longitude, Township, Address, Texas Lookup)

Zoom or Search for the desired map area

Zoom or Search for the desired map area

Once the desired map area has been located, a boundary can either be created using the drawing tools or selected using the Select Tool and pulling from the FSA boundaries layer or the Parcel Data Layer(if purchased). Once the boundary is defined, use the Save Borders link to Save the boundary under the selected client record.

Draw or select a boundary and click Save Borders

Draw or select a boundary and click Save Borders

Name the boundary using the Field Name to give it a map label. Click Save.

Give the boundary a name and save it.

Give the boundary a name and save it.

The boundary will turn green on the map indicating that it has been saved to this client to the layer called "Borders". This layer can be turned on and off within the Layers panel.


Any number of boundaries can be added to a client record. If a Field ID and/or Farm Name is entered during the save process, you are able to use the Farm Name & field ID selections to quickly navigate and select boundaries within a client.

Quickly navigate to saved borders.

Once an understanding of how to save borders within Surety® Pro is achieved, the borders can be used to create and save form records. See: Saving Form Data within Surety® Pro for further help.

Related Pages:

  Name Size
- AddRecordWindow.PNG 12.77 KB
- AfterClientSelect01.png 117.62 KB
- AfterClientSelect02.png 144.65 KB
- BordersLayer01.jpg 92.00 KB
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- Chooseacropyear.PNG 10.18 KB
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- ClickthePlusSymbol.PNG 11.94 KB
- Client Select00.png 36.85 KB
- Client Select01.png 35.71 KB
- Client Select02.png 11.70 KB
- Client Select03.png 15.24 KB
- Client Select04.png 43.17 KB
- Client Select05.png 62.97 KB
- Client Select06-1.png 9.32 KB
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- Crop Year.png 5.51 KB
- DrawAndSave01.jpg 204.21 KB
- EditBorders.PNG 13.10 KB
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- Pro NoClient circled forms.jpg 27.37 KB
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- SaveBorder02.png 19.66 KB
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- SelectedBorderwithCyanborder-2.jpg 42.12 KB
- SelectedBorderwithCyanborder.PNG 519.71 KB
- SelectedFieldswithCyanBorder-2.jpg 43.49 KB
- SelectedFieldswithCyanBorder.PNG 527.78 KB
- SelectFieldNWEditBorders-2.jpg 41.91 KB
- SelectFieldNWEditBorders.PNG 520.09 KB
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- Selectingaparticularfield.PNG 664.23 KB
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