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The Select tool is the main tool that is used to move and select the objects on the canvas.

First click on the select tool


Left click once on an object.

This will bring up the object's specific values in the properties panel where you can change the property values for that one selected object.


You can use the select tool to move the object as well.

Left click, hold and Drag the object to move it around the canvas. Release the left mouse button to drop the object.


You are able to highlight multiple objects by left clicking and dragging a selection box around the objects. Anything within or touching the selection box will be selected.


You are also be able to select one object at a time by holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and left clicking on each individual object that you would like to select together.


The first object that selected is the control and will appear in yellow.

Each selection after that will highlight in blue.


From here you can use alignment commands to manipulate the selected objects.

See Also:

  Name Size
- Select02.png 14.56 KB
- Select03.png 25.50 KB
- Select04.png 17.70 KB
- Select05.png 24.72 KB
- Select06.png 10.77 KB
- Select07.png 13.51 KB
- Select08.png 10.95 KB
- Startscreen-select.jpg 23.09 KB

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