Zoom In
Modified on 2020/01/14 20:37 by Adam — Categorized as: Features
Zoom In
To zoom in, make sure Zoom In is highlighted in yellow first in the left hand panel.
The Zoom In works multiple ways- click in the center of the area to zoom a set amount of distance, click and drag creating a box around the area to zoom to a custom extent, or you can use a scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in a set amount.
View an example of each method below.
Click in the center of the area: place the cursor over the area you would like to zoom in at and single click the left mouse key. The cursor has a red circle around it.
This view is an example of the view of states with counties shown.
Another option is to click and drag creating a box around the general area that you would like to zoom down into. Click and drag creating a box around the area: single click and hold the left mouse key in one of the corners of the area you wish to zoom into.
Then, drag the mouse cursor to the mirror/opposite corner and release the click. This creates a box around the area you wish to zoom into and will then show that area.
This is what the view it will display to you after a couple of seconds. Here we can see the counties, townships and land sections.
Yet, another option is you can scroll with your mouse wheel. Scroll with your mouse: place the cursor over the area you would like to zoom in at and up scroll the scroll wheel on your mouse.
Learn more about advanced mice by visiting:
, Retrieved (3 October 2012)
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