Labeling (map annotation)

Modified on 2024/04/12 21:40 by Adam — Categorized as: Features

Use the labeling tool to add temporary annotation to your map within Surety or Surety Pro.

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You can place annotations on the map with the Labeling tool in the left hand panel.

Click on Labeling and it will highlight in yellow.


Now left click once on the map to start the placement of the label. Initially, the label will be too small to see. You will then need to slowly move you cursor away from the point of where you clicked in order to enlarge it to the size that you desire.


Once you have it at the desired size, single left click again to place it on the map. Tools will appear around the Label to use for modification.


To re-size the label, hover the cursor over the carpenter square > left click, hold, and drag. Release when finished.


Rotate a label by clicking and holding the circular arrow and dragging in a circle.


To change the Label text, click anywhere on the Label's current letters to make a properties window appear.


Within the properties, the label's Text, Rotation, Font Color, Font Outline Color, and Size can all be modified.


There are a number of buttons to use once the properties have been modified.


The Update button will save the changes without closing the properties window in order to make further updates.

The Save button will save the changes and close the properties window.

Cancel will discard the changes and close the properties window.

Delete will delete the label and close the properties window.

Reposition a Label


It is possible to re-position a label first making sure the Labeling tool is highlighted in the left panel then by left clicking, holding, and dragging the label around the interface. Release the click to drop at the desired position.


Delete one or all Labels

Delete a label by first making sure the Labeling tool is highlighted in the left panel and then hover over the label to see the Red X appear in the corner.

Click the x to delete the single label from the map.


Alternatively click on the letters to bring up the properties window and delete it with the delete button.


The third option is to delete all placed labels at once by clicking on the trash can icon that appears after clicking the labeling tool.


Set Default Label style

A default style can be assigned to the labels to make adding multiple labels much more efficient.

Once a label is placed on the map, click on the letters to access the Properties window.


Set the attributes that are to be the default style attributes. This includes Rotation, Font Size, Font Color, and Outline Color.


Once the values are set, click the Set as Default Style link. The properties window will close.


If you want to remove the saved default style and return to the system default, click the "Remove Default" link within the Properties window.


See Also: