Forms Designer - Type

Modified on 2014/11/12 22:10 by Adam — Categorized as: Uncategorized

The Type control located in the properties panel of a selected control allows us to change the way that control displays and sorts the values it produces or contains.


Example of Actual Acres set as a "String" type and sorted using the Forms Manager.

Example of ActualAcres set as a "Number" Type and sorted using the Forms Manager


you can use 0's (zeros), #'s, (.)'s, and (,)'s in the Format field. Here is an example of how to format your number.


If you wanted to require the text box to contain a number that rounds to the 2nd number behind the decimal (hundredth) and has at least 2 numbers in front of the decimal, then you would want to format the text like this
That way is some one enters something like this when filling out the form,


it will appear this way


If you want larger numbers to show up with commas in them then you would have to define where they go.

So if we just enter 12311 into a text box it will not apply a comma between the 2 and the 3.

In order to format it this way you need to use number (#) signs in the format box.

The number sign is going to be a place holder for a potential number. Enter the following into the format text box


Now when 12311 is entered into the field, it will be formatted like so


Remember! When using 0's in front of the decimal it will place a zero in that spot if the number doesn't reach reach that number place, when using #'s it acts as just a placeholder for a potential number and wont force a zero to be there if the number is not that big.

See Also: