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Shared Forms Manager

Modified on 2014/11/13 21:24 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
Step 3 - Managing Shared Forms

The Shared Forms Manager allows you to easily add or remove forms that your account has shared as well as clients to whom that form is shared to.

This tool is only available for Surety Pro Admin accounts and is to be utilized when sharing forms with separate Surety or Surety Pro accounts.

The Shared Forms Manager is located under the Admin>Shared Forms Manager from a Surety Pro Administrators account.


If you have no Shared Forms, the Shared Forms Manager you will see an empty page except for a New Client dropdown. Use this to choose which client in your account you would like to have the shared forms saved to. See: Order Taking - Sharing Forms

Note: It is recommended that the Form Sharing Wizard is used to setup your forms because it allows you to change certain settings that are not available through the Shared Forms Manager setup process. Step 1 - How to share a form

If you need to setup a new client you must exit out of this page and use the select a client button. See: Creating, Editing, and Deleting Clients in Surety® Pro

If you have shared any forms with other Surety accounts they will be listed by client name.


Shared Forms

This column shows the Form that you are sharing with that client above it.


Add a form to be shared

You can add or delete a form by clicking on the Add/Remove Forms button.


A new window will open allowing you to choose from your existing forms list if you would like to add to the forms that you are sharing.


That form will appear below the list. Click Save if you are done adding forms to be shared.


Each additional Form that you add to this client record will appear in this column.


Remove a form that is currently shared

Click the Add/Remove Forms button


Click the trash can next to the form you would no longer like to share.


Click Save


Shared With

The "Shared With" column tells us what email address is associated with the client listed above it. The "Status" on the right tells you if the form has been activated for use in their account or not. It will read Pending if it has not been activated or Active if the recipient has accepted the share request they received in their email.


You can add email addresses by clicking on the add email button.


This will take you to a send Share Request Page where you can quickly invite user(s) to use this form. Simply type in the recipients email address in the To: field and click Save. It is possible to invite more than one person at a time by clicking on the Add button to add additional Address fields.


Once another client is invited to use a shared form, it will add that record to the Shared Forms Manager.


Use the trash can to remove the form from being shared with that account.


Once the form is shared and being used by the client to save forms back to the primary account, the accounts that are submitting the forms can track their form status with the Forms Manager. This is available to Surety and Surety Pro accounts. See: Part 2 - Save and View Shared Forms

See also:

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