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Saving Borders to a Client In Surety® Pro

Modified on 2021/02/02 20:28 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
With Surety® Pro you are able to save your selected or drawn borders to a client. After a border is saved, that border can be found easily in the future by selecting the client then farm name and field id.

Once they are saved, they can be modified at any later time. (See: Edit saved border boundaries in Surety® Pro)

Save and Name a New Border

1.We can start by Selecting a client. See Also: Creating and Editing Clients in Surety Pro®

Select A Client

Select A Client

2.Once a client is selected, locate the Area of Interest by using the Zoom In or Search Tools.

Locate AOI

Locate AOI

3.Now we can either Draw our own border or Select an existing border such as FSA Farm Field Borders (CLU) or Parcel boundaries. In this example I will draw out a border. See Also: Drawing

Draw or Select a Field

Draw or Select a Field

4. Once a border is drawn, click the "Save Borders" link in the right panel.


5. A newly saved border will prompt you with the optional step of giving a Farm Name and Field ID to the border. Giving a boundary a name will make it easier to locate in the future.
> Farm Names are intended to be used to group multiple boundaries.
> FieldIDs should be unique field by field in most cases. The FieldID will also be placed as a label on the maps itself.

If a Farm Name has not been setup previously, create a new one by typing one in. If a Farm Name exists for other boundaries, one can be picked from the drop down or a new one can still be created by typing it in.


Click Save when done naming the boundary


6.Your border will turn green indicating that it is now saved to the client selected. If the boundary dissapears, then make sure the Borders layer is enabled since this is where the boundaries are stored.

Click Save Borders

Click Save Borders

Name/Rename or Delete a Previously Saved Border (EDIT BORDERS)

1. Useing the Select tool in the left panel, place an "X" inside the border that was just saved, and click on "Edit Borders" in the right panel.


2. A window will open titled Edit Borders. Here we can Delete the boundary altogether


3. Or assign a new Farm Name and Field ID and click save



4. The saved border is now assigned a Farm Name and Field ID and now can be quickly found by selecting that name in the right panel.


See Also:

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