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How do I renew/purchase my Surety or Surety Pro subscription(s)?

Modified on 2022/04/22 20:16 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
Surety® and Surety® Pro software are subscription based services and and will no longer provide access to mapping functions once that expiration date has passed.

You can renew your account before or after the expiration date has passed.

An account can be renewed up to 30 days prior to the expiration date. See: Where do I find my expiration date?
Note: You will not lose days on your subscription if you renew before your expiration date, we will just add days to your current expiration date.

How to renew Surety/Surety Pro subscriptions

To renew, first log into your Surety/Surety Pro account.

If your account has already expired you will automatically be directed to the Subscription Studio interface upon login.
When a subscription is 30 days out from it's expiration date, the renew now option becomes available for the account administrator login. During these 30 days a yellow banner will appear after you log in to your account and provide you with a countdown to your expiration date and a Renew Now above the map interface. 

Click on the Renew Now link to access the Subscription Studio. Note: The Subscription Studio can also be accessed through the Admin > Subscription Studio option from the drop down menu.


The Subscription Studio will open. 

Single subscription view


Multi Subscription View


The shopping cart in the upper right will indicate the renewal cost (before applicable tax) of the Team members and products setup that is on this page. 

Note: When 30 or less days are remaining on the account subscription, the cart will contain the renewal amount of the currently active Team Members as well as any upgrades, add-ons, or account credits. 

If you are not making any changes to your account, simply click on the shopping cart to proceed to the checkout. Otherwise follow the remaining steps before clicking on the shopping cart to check out. 


Review the team members (users) listed within the Company account. Admins are shown as Green tiles, non-admins are blue, and red tiles indicate the team member has been deactivated and is no longer has access to the account. 


Add more Team Members with the Add icon.


Deactivate Team Members with the red "X" to disable the access to the account and remove the subscription from the renewal invoice. Note that one Team Member assigned to an "Admin" role needs to be active at all times. 


Once deactivated, the panel will not be removed entirely, only turn red and then be excluded from the payment cart.

Important!: Deactivated Team Member logins have mapping functions turned off immediately. This differs from just removing a license type since that requires a checkout to be applied.  

Alternatively if the license type was not removed prior to deactivating the license, Click the Plus (+) button to reactivate the Team Member and add that license type back to the cart for renewal. 


Upgrade/Downgrade license types

The products assigned to each license can be changed by either clicking on the Edit Products button on the appropriate tile


The Edit Products button will open an interface that details the options of subscription types and add-ons.


The buttons on the bottom of the tile can also be used to modify the account.
From Left to Right: (S)Surety - (SP)Surety Pro - (AO)Admin Only - (DS)Dossier Studio - (PD)Parcel Data
Simply click on the button(s) that is/are desired to be added or removed from the Team Member's access and it will update the cart accordingly.
The Green color indicates that it is the current or previously purchased product, Orange indicates that it has been changed and needs to be purchased before becoming activated (or deactivated).


How to renew a single license for 1, 3, or 6 months
If you have a single Surety® or Surety Pro license, when you open the Subscription Studio, a special Products/Services Single Subscription Tile is available to use to choose which subscription type and length as well as add the Deed Studio or Parcel Data. Use the Check Out button to finalize the selection and begin the purchase process. 


The Checkout Process

Once you have the number of desired Team Members and the appropriate subscription types all setup, then click on the Shopping Cart icon in the upper right corner to check out. 


The preview invoice will then be presented to you. Change what information is presented on the invoice by using the View drop down. Different views detail the breakdown of either locations or individual Team Members.


If you need to make any changes before purchase, use the browser's back button or click on the Return to Company Overview button


Once you are ready to purchase use the Payment Method buttons to proceed.


Pay with Credit Card will prompt you with a Payment information form to enter your credit card or to pay with a PayPal account. (Note: this method activates the renewal or purchase immediately after a successful process)


Pay With Check will generate an invoice that is to be printed off in order to send with the check. (Note: this method will not activate the renewal until after the payment is received.)

Use the Print icon to print or save the invoice.


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