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Search Bar (PLSS, Section Township Range, Parcel Id, Quarters & Lots, Lat/Long, Township, County, City)

Modified on 2022/03/22 22:12 by Adam Categorized as Features
The Search Bar within Surety® and Surety® Pro is a crucial feature for locating an area of interest quickly and efficiently.

An efficient method to do this is to take advantage of the Search Bar above the interactive map.


Any of the following can be entered into the search bar to return results:

Parcel ID
Section - Township - Range
Quarters and Lots
Latitude and Longitude
Township, County, & City

Display examples of how to format a search by clicking on the question mark (?) button to the right of the search bar.


Parcel ID

Searching by Parcel ID requires the Parcel Data Add On

Parcels ids can be entered followed by the state abbreviation.


If a search returns more than one result, pick the correct county from the list.


Section - Township - Range

Perform a section township range search using a variety of different formatting. Many times there may be areas that have the same or similar section township range delineations. In these cases, a dialogue will appear showing the county and state the result resides in. For example, if "31-15-67" is searched, there are 4 different locations that have the same numbers.


Either click on the appropriate location to zoom the map to that result or narrow your search by adding more criteria. By adding the appropriate N and E to the end of the township and range numbers, the search can narrow down to the specific section. It may also be beneficial to include the state abbreviation to narrow the search even further.


Quarters and Lots

If using quarter or half verbiage when using the Search bar, a boundary will be automatically created on the map when located.

Example: A legal description describes the tract of land as the south half of the southwest quarter of section 15 of township 30 north and range 14 west of Kankakee, IL. This can be simplified using abbreviations of the descriptions: s2 sw4 15 30n 14w IL
s2 = south half (can also use s1/2)
sw4 = southwest quarter (can also use sw1/4)
15 30n 14w = section 15 of township 30 north and range 14 west


The quarter quarter section can also be defined with simply letters.
NESW = Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter - Note that there must NOT be a space between the letters.

Lots are located and drawn by using the word "LOT" or simply the letter "L" preceding the lot number.
Example: L4 2-151N-53W


Searching multiple boundaries at once

Use the semicolon ";" or the ampersand "&" in between the boundary descriptions but before the section text to include multiple boundaries within your search if they are contained within the same section.
Example: L4 & ne4 & sw4 se4 2-151N-53W and L4; ne4; swse 2 151n 53w will both map the same three boundaries.


Latitude and Longitude

All 3 formats of latitude and longitude coordinates (degrees minutes seconds, degrees minutes, and decimal degrees) are acceptable within the search bar. Other than decimal points (.), all degree, minute, and second punctuation can be replaced with spaces if preferred.
Example: Both 47° 55' 31.21, -97° 20' 8.95 and 47 55 31.21 -97 20 8.95 will return the same result.

Note that the lat long search will place a target symbol on the map to indicate the precise coordinate.


This can be removed by either performing another search or by clicking Symbols in the left panel and then clicking the trash can icon to delete the symbol.


Township, County, & City

When searching for a township, county, or city, the search bar will give live results as you type.

Once searched, the map will zoom to the entire extent of the search result.


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