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How to Find, Open, and Modify an already Saved Form

Modified on 2014/09/19 21:10 by Adam Categorized as Uncategorized
In Surety Pro, any form that has been saved (See: Saving Forms with Surety® Pro) it is able to be reopened and printed, modified & re-saved, or deleted at any later date.  The ability to find and open the saved form is done through the Forms Manager

Using Manage All Forms To locate and open a saved form

There are a few different ways to locate the form that was previously saved. 

The first way would be to use the Manage all Forms option located under Tools>Manage All Forms in the Surety Pro menu bar.


This will display every form ever saved to your Company or Company Location if you have one. 


From here you can sort or filter by Form type or other criteria associated with the form. See: Forms Manager


Tip: This is one place where assigning a field ID to your fields comes in handy so you can easily decipher what form you are looking for.


Once you have found the desired form, click on it to open the form up. 


The saved data will populate in the appropriate fields.

Remember you can change the border used for the form with the Edit Field(s) button. 


Otherwise there is the option to delete it or modify the data and save. 


Using Form Layers to locate a saved form

Another tool to help you find the saved form is to enable the saved form's visual representation layer. 

After a client is selected Click Layers


The layers panel will expand and you will find all of the Form layers are disabled by default.


Place a check mark next to the type of form(s) that you saved previously that you want to appear on the map. (See:Form Layers)

The fields that contain the selected form data will highlight in a certain color and style determined by the set Form Layer Properties.


Select the field with the select tool then click Edit Forms to bring up the forms Manager. 


If there is a form that was saved to the selected field, the form entry in the list will contain a check mark in the box next to it. (Note: if more than one form is saved to that selected border, they will all be checked.) Use the Only Show Selected option to narrow the list down to only the selected items to easily find the desired saved form record.


Click on the form to open it.


Open a previously saved form by form type.

It is possible to open a specific type of form that has been previously saved to a border. First select the border that has the saved form then click on the type of form that has been saved. In this example I will click on Chemical.


If the system detects 1 or more saved forms of that type (in this case, Chemical Forms) it will display a list with all of the previously saved forms as well as the option to create a new one.


If you then click on one of the options it will pull up that specific saved form (or NEW) to modify.


See Also:

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